I'm finally about to purchase my first iPad, but I can't decide on which is a better deal for the money:
16GB WiFi iPad w/AppleCare
16GB 3G iPad w/o AppleCare
eBalut said:I got the 16GB wifi model and used the $130 I saved to buy an Apple iPad case and a 2 year insurance plan from Worth Ave Group that covers accidental damage and theft for about $115 ($40 + $75). Another option to consider. BTW, I can tether my iPad to my windows mobile phone on Verizon, so the 3G wasn't important to me. Everyone's situation will vary, including yours.
Update: FYI, I bought a Squaretrade warranty the same day I got my iPad (they advertise on nearly every iPad related website). Then I saw some info on Worth Ave Group and decide to go with them instead, and cancel SquareTrade. Here is some interesting verbiage from the SquareTrade Customer Care Plan policy:
The total value of your warranty is in most cases equal to the purchase price of your item. For every valid claim filed against your item for which we provide repair services, the total value of your coverage is reduced by the cost of the repair services rendered. In the event a valid claim is filed with us and repair costs are estimated to exceed the current value of your warranty - the balance of your warranty value will be offered instead.
I say go for the 3G, the ability to turn it on and off as you need it is appealing to me. Around town and home I would have no need for it. the 2-3 times we make trips to visit family it would be worth the $15 for 1 month of 3g to me.
As far as the AppleCare, get it later if you still feel the need for it. You have until the fist year is up. Thats what I did with my iPhone 3Gs
Isn't it true that only the 3G models have a GPS in them? If so, that would be another reason to buy the 3G model.
I have a dlink pocket router. I use it for my Tivo, but take it with me when I think I'll need it. (My mothers for example.)
These doctor's offices don't have wifi ? I asked the receptionist once, and she typed in the password.
why not just get the WiFi and if your out and need to connect to the web why not drop into the golden arches for a coffee and connect to there WiFi. This is what i do with my laptop at the moment. Or you can just sit on the carpark and buy nothing. I know it only has a 50mb download but it's better than nothing.
While that is true about square trade, all of the policies I looked at had disclaimers that they could cancel your policy at any time if they felt you were making too many claims.