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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2021
Hi all, having a disaster here with my 2 Dell U2412M monitors having upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey 12.0.1.

I connect them separately via 2 of Apple's own usb c to vga adaptor, the one with the usb a, vga, and thunderbolt charging inputs.

This set up was a bit hit and miss a few years ago but has been fine since the last few updates of Big Sur.

Having updated to Monterey neither display will work. Plugging them in to the MBP wakes the displays, one even flashed my mac's desktop for about 2 seconds, but generally the displays remain black before returning to sleep. The screen on the MBP flickers between black, and the normal desktop.

The MBP is a 16 inch intel i9 2019 model.

Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas for a fix?



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2021
Update - tried restarting with both screens plugged in from the start.

Initially the machine starts normally, login screen appears, both dell monitors remain black. Upon trying to log in, the machine seems to crash and shutdown.

When restarting I am presented with a black screen and a message in several languages saying this machine shut down because of a problem, press any key to continue.

This happens every time I try to restart with screens plugged in. Its fine and operates normally with no screens plugged in.

External monitors and the 16in MPB have been such a pain over the years. Very frustrating.

Any thoughts much appreciated!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2021
Just found the cause of the issue.

The problem is apple's own usb c to vga adaptor, the one with the usb a, vga, and thunderbolt charging inputs. Swapping it for Microsofts usb c travel hub seems to fix the issue and the external displays now work. Its a shame they cost c£70 each and I now need to buy 2.

It's also a shame apple's tech support are so arrogant, insisting it was a problem with the dell monitors and nothing to do with Apple.
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