Sick, thats great to hear! I went to Small Dog electronics and checked out all the new macs and they are sick, and the 17"MBP is awesome! it was a bit warm (it had been on all day...) but still cooler than a lot of windows PCs which is good. I need a laptop for college and I think I'm going to be getting it this weekend, I'm psyched! My other option is a 15.4" Dell Latitude D820, the one thing that the D820 has that I will miss a bit from the MBP is the res is 1920x1200 so I can watch HD stuff, but 1680x1050 is still great! I had that on a 20" iMac G5 and I thought my iMac was sick, this is gonna be even better! Now I just need to convince my grandparents that its worth the extra $500 for the MBP ($2500 for the Dell, $3000 for the MBP with warentee, and I'd get a free iPod too with my college discount!)