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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 1, 2006
Hey all,

My macbook pro, 17", has just arrived. This is my first mac, and so a few questions. The status light on the front of the macbook pro I see (white) pulses when in sleep. Should the status light be on when the macbook pro is not in sleep, i.e when i'm suring the net etc. etc.

Apart from that, new keyboard layout to get used to, and what do you guys recommend about the latch. The left latch hooks down, but the right only slightly comes out and doesn't lock in place. Should I return the laptop? The nearest apple store (I'm in the UK) is in sheffield. If I take it there, will they fix it?
s0x&#8482 said:
Hey all,

My macbook pro, 17", has just arrived. This is my first mac, and so a few questions. The status light on the front of the macbook pro I see (white) pulses when in sleep. Should the status light be on when the macbook pro is not in sleep, i.e when i'm suring the net etc. etc.

Apart from that, new keyboard layout to get used to, and what do you guys recommend about the latch. The left latch hooks down, but the right only slightly comes out and doesn't lock in place. Should I return the laptop? The nearest apple store (I'm in the UK) is in sheffield. If I take it there, will they fix it?

As far as the light goes...macs "breath" when they sleep (The flashing light). The light should go off when it isn't sleeping (Open, and being used)...check out the apple on the lid when you open it...makes a great night light. :D

Also, I would take it in. Having that screen not attached down tight is a bad thing. Espc with a 17" don't want it to get caught on anything and pulling back. Might want to call Apple care first and ask just to be safe and save yourself the trip. (I don't see it being a problem though.)
Hi, cheers for the info, though, Sheffield is quite some distance for me :rolleyes:

Guess I'll just have to ring Apple up, it's a shame this happened
s0x&#8482 said:
Hi, cheers for the info, though, Sheffield is quite some distance for me :rolleyes:

Guess I'll just have to ring Apple up, it's a shame this happened

So, what do you think of that monster so far? (Messed up latch non-withstanding of course.) BTW...I think I'm going to start working cheers into my daily conversations here. I'm sure they won't expect that from a Texan!
So far its awesome, I'm just messing on with settings understanding what does what. Photobooth is fun :D

It doesn't feel as if its running as hot as many people seem to have claimed (sitting on my lap). I guess once I've figured out the basics, time to mess on with Boot Camp and get XP installed for the games.

I've always wanted a laptop, I had the choice about 3+ years ago, but I decided to get a PC and I've been stuck with that for ages, so this laptop is a huge upgrade from that, so no doubt this'll be sticking around for a few years.

Still learning, just installed my first program :D adiumx, drag the ducky :D .

hehe, anyway's I also just found the telephone number for apple care ( seems somewhat hidden), so I'll give them a ring and see what they can do.

In the words of do do do do I'm lovin' it.
Hey, just got off the phone with Apple, nice guy's have arranged for the UPS man to drop off a box for me to return the laptop and get the latched fixed.

The other option was to get a new replacement...but if the latch is the only problem with this one, I didn't see the need in getting a replacement only to have the possibility of a different problem when that arrived. So, I've got till Saturday or Monday, when the box arrives. Hopefully it'll come back with no problems. :D
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