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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2014
iOS8 will be available next week, and I was wondering what you guys think about it's role in Yosemite. Will there be a (DP and/or PB) update to properly support Handoff and continuity? Will iCloud Drive be 'safe' to use?

Just wondering about your opinions on the dates and features and how Apple is going to let it all come together, so discuss! :)
I'm very upset. I don't know why there isn't a release date for Yosemite. I don't want to get iOS 8 next week and then wait a few weeks or more for Yosemite. Considering all of the handoff features.
I'm very upset.

With respect to our American friends, why do you guys say that? "I'm very upset". It seems to have become the default way to get attention.

We have an online store in the States and whenever US customers are even slightly disappointed, they start with "I'm very upset". Really? Upset? As in emotionally a wreck? Over not knowing a release date?

Just download Yosemite Public Preview release 2 if you're so "upset" as it's a fairly solid operating system. It's clearly reasonably close to going gold in the next few weeks and from the start everyone thought October was a likely release date, so there's absolutely no reason to be "very upset".
With respect to our American friends, why do you guys say that? "I'm very upset". It seems to have become the default way to get attention.

We have an online store in the States and whenever US customers are even slightly disappointed, they start with "I'm very upset". Really? Upset? As in emotionally a wreck? Over not knowing a release date?

Just download Yosemite Public Preview release 2 if you're so "upset" as it's a fairly solid operating system. It's clearly reasonably close to going gold in the next few weeks and from the start everyone thought October was a likely release date, so there's absolutely no reason to be "very upset".

I expected them both to be released close together, not months apart. Especially with the continuity features which make up most of the new features.
Yosemite is coming in spring according to apple's website.

edit: Well it did on my iPhone but viewing now on my Mac it says Fall! I have a screenshot on my iPhone but it's failing to upload.
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Yosemite is coming in spring according to apple's website

According to this in the fall.
Would be really weird if it comes in the spring :p Photo's is though.

But what I'm wondering most about is: How will iOS 8 function with so much features not enabled? It seems like ik would be a bit cripple, will they add continuity and handoff (and even iCloud Drive maybe?) in a later update? Yosemite is coming, exactly when doesn't really matter. It just matters that it doesn't come at the same time as iOS8. Which is completely logical, it's the way that it's always been. But it seems like it just doesn't really add up ;)
Here. Strange.


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Yosemite is coming in spring according to apple's website.

Not sure if you Americans know this, but just on an educational point, America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere, where currently the season is Autumn (Fall for you guys). In the bottom half of the planet, is a few countries, one of which is Australia. It, like South Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere, and our seasons are opposite, therefore making us at the start of Spring.

So i'm getting Yosemite in the Spring - amazing eh...
Not sure if you Americans know this, but just on an educational point, America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere, where currently the season is Autumn (Fall for you guys). In the bottom half of the planet, is a few countries, one of which is Australia. It, like South Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere, and our seasons are opposite, therefore making us at the start of Spring.

So i'm getting Yosemite in the Spring - amazing eh...

Hehe, do I detect a hint of sarcasm?

It's something I did consider after, that I was being served the wrong locale's page. I live in the UK. I noticed for the first time today that Apple have a mobile friendly website (maybe it's not new but I think it is). So maybe it's having issues serving the correct locale.

But excuse me if I didn't immediately think that when I saw the shocking 'Spring' this morning :p

Cheers :)
Not sure if you Americans know this, but just on an educational point, America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere, where currently the season is Autumn (Fall for you guys). In the bottom half of the planet, is a few countries, one of which is Australia. It, like South Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere, and our seasons are opposite, therefore making us at the start of Spring.

So i'm getting Yosemite in the Spring - amazing eh...

That is some wonderful information :) Here in The Netherlands it's also fall. I used to think about that stuff a lot, like it's tomorrow somewhere in the world and some people are living in yesterday. It's very strange how it all works :)

Anyhow, very offtopic but thank you for this piece of information!
With respect to our American friends, why do you guys say that? "I'm very upset". It seems to have become the default way to get attention.

We have an online store in the States and whenever US customers are even slightly disappointed, they start with "I'm very upset". Really? Upset? As in emotionally a wreck? Over not knowing a release date?

Just download Yosemite Public Preview release 2 if you're so "upset" as it's a fairly solid operating system. It's clearly reasonably close to going gold in the next few weeks and from the start everyone thought October was a likely release date, so there's absolutely no reason to be "very upset".

I'm upset you are not upset about this but you are upset about people being upset, now I was only upset about the first thing now I'm upset about this. I demand a public apology.


Not sure if you Americans know this, but just on an educational point, America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere, where currently the season is Autumn (Fall for you guys). In the bottom half of the planet, is a few countries, one of which is Australia. It, like South Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere, and our seasons are opposite, therefore making us at the start of Spring.

So i'm getting Yosemite in the Spring - amazing eh...

Keep making sweeping generalizations about 360 million people, it shows your colors.
Not sure if you Americans know this, but just on an educational point, America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere, where currently the season is Autumn (Fall for you guys). In the bottom half of the planet, is a few countries, one of which is Australia. It, like South Africa are in the Southern Hemisphere, and our seasons are opposite, therefore making us at the start of Spring.

So i'm getting Yosemite in the Spring - amazing eh...

#...#...#...Mind blown...#
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