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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
I hope somebody here will have a solution for this admittedly unusual problem: how to get back into the iPod part of my first-gen iPhone, now that I've upgraded it to OS 3.0, without using or activating it as a *phone*.

If you're wondering why, here's the quick history:

I purchased this iPhone last year from its original owner (including AppleCare) because I wanted an iPod Touch with a camera, & was tired of carrying two separate devices around just so I could have both a camera and Wi-fi 'net access (via my 1st-gen iPod Touch.. which is still going strong, by the way ;-). The original owner kept his SIM card, and bought an iPhone 3G; so I have been happily using just the iPod features in the phone for about 9 months now, with no SIM card installed. (This iPhone has never been jailbroken or unlocked, BTW)

Never had any problems with this until today, when I eagerly upgraded to OS 3.0 -- now I'm locked out of the iPod part of the phone, unless I activate the *phone* (via the normal iTunes process). Talked to a nice guy at AppleCare, who advised me to get a SIM card from AT&T just to get past the initial error message ("Please install a valid SIM card.. and connect to iTunes to activate iPhone"). After doing this, I'm of course launched into setting up an AT&T account... which I'm not going to use.

I did get some very considerate help at my local AT& store, even though they understood I was not going to be their customer (!) -- but ultimately, they aren't informed about this kind of situation & can't really advise me about the new OS.

All I want is to regain access to the iPod functions -- I know that my data is still in the iPhone, 'cause I can see my original wallpaper lurking just behind the error messages.. :-o (It's mostly a LOT of photos, taken with the iPhone camera -- yes, they are backed up, but I still want to be able to use the camera!)

I'll go to the Genius bar if I have to, but am trying to avoid it because I have a recent knee injury & need to minimize my travel right now. So -- any geniuses *here* who can help with this??

:mucho: thanks in advance!

ultrasnow comes out on friday, just unlock that phone and you should be good to go.
ultrasnow comes out on friday, just unlock that phone and you should be good to go.

Thanks - I just heard about ultrasnow - but I think it may be only for iPhone 3G (?).....
(..and :if: there's a way to regain access to the iPod within my iPhone w/out unlocking it, I'd prefer that --only so the phone will be ready to use future updates from Apple :-o..........)
When Quickpwn is released for 3.0, run that. It's your choice to add Cydia or Installer or not. Doing this will "hacktivate" it for you, so you will get the slide to unlock screen as soon as Quickpwn is done.
same here

I too had my 2G "Wifi iPod" iPhone deactivated by the 3.0 upgrade. Would appreciate any input from someone who is able to get around this and restore iPod functionality without unlocking the phone. AT&T clearly stated that an old phone could be used for this purpose and there should not be a need to hack the system to access these functions. Thanks.
I too had my 2G "Wifi iPod" iPhone deactivated by the 3.0 upgrade. Would appreciate any input from someone who is able to get around this and restore iPod functionality without unlocking the phone. AT&T clearly stated that an old phone could be used for this purpose and there should not be a need to hack the system to access these functions. Thanks.

Hi there bstamant -- Glad to know I'm not unique on this one.. ;-)
And I'm interested to hear that AT&T has actually commented on this issue! Where did you see/hear this? Could be very helpful if there is some official statement that we can print out and wave in person, either at the Apple Store/Genius Bar or at AT&T, to get some support on this problem without unlocking. We could even make it look like a positive thing for them ("see -- we're not going trying to hack your merchandise.. so how about supporting us? :)

Please help... can I use iphone simply as an ipod?

Hello, I'm not sure if I'm asking the same questions in a different way, but any help will be very, very appreciated!

I just bought an 8gb black iPhone from my friend (who recently just cancelled his contract with at&t) so I can use the iPhone as an ipod basically. I just wanted to make sure I would be okay to continue using the iphone just as an ipod. When I turn on the device, it says "waiting for activation", and I just ignore that and proceed into the main screen because I'm not sure what that means. Although, everything seems to be working alright at the moment.

I don't know much about iphones or anything, but if I just take the SIM card out, will that just make the iphone an ipod (with the same capabilities as far as wifi goes)? Or do I need the SIM card to remain in the iphone to use it as an ipod?

I just want to be able to use this iphone like an ipod touch without any problems. I don't want the ipod features to suddenly stop working in 9 mos like the individual's above. Thank you SO much for any help!
, I'm not sure if I'm asking the same questions in a different way, but any help will be very, very appreciated!

I just bought an 8gb black iPhone from my friend (who recently just cancelled his contract with at&t) so I can use the iPhone as an ipod basically. I just wanted to make sure I would be okay to continue using the iphone just as an ipod. When I turn on the device, it says "waiting for activation", and I just ignore that and proceed into the main screen because I'm not sure what that means. Although, everything seems to be working alright at the moment.

I don't know much about iphones or anything, but if I just take the out, will that just make the iphone an ipod (with the same capabilities as far as wifi goes)? Or do I need the SIM card to remain in the iphone to use it as an ipod?

I just want to be able to use this iphone like an without any . I don't want the ipod features to suddenly stop working in 9 mos like the individual's above. Thank you SO much for any help!

You're fine, take out the SIM if you want to stop the "Waiting for activation" message.
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