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macrumors 68010
Original poster
Oct 30, 2002
San Diego, CA
There are several threads under Apple's Support Forums documenting an apparent change to the iTunes Store that has resulted in the removal of all iTunes Store Music links from the 1st generation Apple TV menus system. Thus, you can no longer browse the Music Store or purchase songs using the 1st generation Apple TV.

This started happening about one week ago and it is still "broken" even though several users have reported the problem directly to Apple. I don't know whether this is affecting all 1st generation units but it has happened to mine and the odd thing is that other iTunes Store content still works fine (i.e. I can access the movie trailers, browse both movies and TV shows, and download TV shows from the store but there is no access to the iTunes Music Store).

Is anyone else seeing this problem? Or, can someone with a 1st generation unit confirm that it is still working for them.
Thus, you can no longer browse the Music Store or purchase songs using the 1st generation Apple TV.

Yes - its the same here in Sydney Australia, I use my Apple TV daily, I first noticed the music store missing yesterday. My TV and Movie stores plus Podcasts, Flikr, YouTube etc work as per usual. Cheers, Mark
Not sure if this is related but for a few days last week, I could not access the Television shows part of the iTunes Store with my 1st gen Apple TV. They came back a couple of days ago so maybe this is something to do with the way they update content every week.
I still have no access to the iTunes Music Store on my 1st generation Apple TV. This is really odd, and I would think that if this is a widespread issue then it should be worthy of at least one tech report somewhere on the internet.

There are millions of the 1st generation Apple TV in use and I can't see how all of them could be affected without some official confirmation as it has now been several days (almost a week?) since this problem first started to appear. It's being reported on Apple's own support forums, but still no word from Apple or any reports from the tech media.
fpnc, I'm guessing we're toast (I have the first gen too and same issue). I'm betting Apple has turned the page on support for the first gen and I don't feel much excitement for the second gen version. I hope I'm wrong (or I hope a third gen update is impending to better motivate personal upgrades (several units)).
The iTunes Music Store still seems to be missing after today's updates (i.e. iCloud, iOS5, and Mac OS X 10.7.2). I'm beginning to worry that this may be permanent. I'll give it a few more days before I start organizing a protests march on Apple. ;)
It may still take awhile for apple to get to this, if they're even aware of it yet, they're still having issues with the iOS 5/iCloud rollout. There is a thread at the apple support forums about it, for what little good that does.
There are actually numerous threads in Apple's ATV Discussions area about this problem (I mentioned that in the opening post to this topic). It probably does have something to do with iCloud or iTunes Match, but it is currently unknown whether Apple will even try to fix it for the 1st generation ATVs.
Okay, it appears that the iTunes Music Store menus are now coming back. However, you may have to restart/reset your Apple TV to see the update. In any case, the menus to the iTunes Music Store are now back on my ATV1.
Okay, it appears that the iTunes Music Store menus are now coming back. However, you may have to restart/reset your Apple TV to see the update. In any case, the menus to the iTunes Music Store are now back on my ATV1.

Yes same here!
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