I'm getting rid of my iBook G4 this week and will be purchasing a new mac laptop. I am torn between two options and am looking for some insight. My first option which I was thinking of doing in the first place, was to purchase the 2.0 GHz MB, upgrading the ram to a 1gb and the HD to 80gb. It would cost me 1515$ cdn with the education discount. The second option which I recently began to consider was the purchase a macbook pro. I would get the basic 15.4" 2.0GHz, 80gb drive and 512 ram (with the intention of buying a 1gb stick in the next few months). This would be 1999$ canadian, again with the edu discount. I've always liked the powerbook and just assumed that after having the iBook I would naturally purchase the powerbook because it would be a great upgrade. The problem that has come up, is that the new macbooks are quite an upgrade from the iBook. The one thing I was really looking for in the powerbook was the DVI out, optical audio and higher resolution (I have the screen spanning hack so that wasn't an issue). But now the macbooks have all of those things. I'm not really sure what the major benefit (for me) of getting the mbp would be at this point. I don't really do much heavy editing of audio or video but any that I do do could be handled by iLife (I would like to use final cut to try it out though, which I understand the mb can't do). I think most of my problem is pyschological. I think that by buying the mb I wouldn't think I was actually upgrading because I still have the white plastic laptop instead of the shinny silver one, I just really like the look of the pb/mbp. What are your thoughts about the extra 500 to get the mbp? Is it any more or less "future-proof" with leopard,etc than the macbook? Are there any benefits of the macbook pro that I'm forgetting about?
Hopefully someone can help me out...
Hopefully someone can help me out...