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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
Hi all,

So i just upgraded my 1st gen iphone to 2.1, and jailbroke it and i'm on t-mobile.

There seems to be a bug with the recent call list. Every time i make a call, the contact's name appears in the call list, and the contact's number is in the form:

1 (xxx) xxx xxxx

But i also get another number in the recent call list which is just: xxxxxxxxxx

i.e. their number just without the name tag. it's really annoying as i have all my recent calls doubled. any idea how to fix?

Hmmm... that's odd. I don't see why jailbreaking should cause that to happen. Although, to be honest, I was jailbreaked on T-Mobile with 2.0.1 and I just installed the unjailbreaked 2.1 on top of it (since the phone stays unlocked), so I haven't tried 2.1 with jailbreak. Have you tried reinstalling the firmware?
no i haven't tried a re-install. i shall do though.

So my gf just called.... it shows up as her caller ID, but then when i answer the call, the "name" switches to her 646 number...

isn't that weird? i noticed that in the new 2.1, Contacts reformats the phone numbers to the format i posted above... and maybe there's some sort of confusion as the number that shows up is unformatted and just 10 digits all in a row.
My friends phone does that too (T-Mobile), but he unlocked loooong ago, I think he's still on 1.1.3.
Yes, I'm jailbroken and on 2.1. I don't know if that is what is causing the problem or if 2.1 handles calls differently. It only started after 2.1 for me.

I just did a restore (but still jailbroken and unlocked) and it didn't fix my problem. My problem might be a little different from yours but similar. When I get incoming calls it uses the format 1 (xxx) xxxx and won't display the contact name associated with that number -- even though the number is in my address book in precisely that format.

No one else has this problem?
[My problem might be a little different from yours but similar. When I get incoming calls it uses the format 1 (xxx) xxxx and won't display the contact name associated with that number -- even though the number is in my address book in precisely that format.

weird. mine just comes up with xxxxxxxxxx, but only once you make a call, or after you pick up a call. Contact name still shows when receiving calls.
To make matters even more strange:

When I have a call in my recent calls list that wasn't recognized by the address book, and I call the number back, something odd happens.

It goes to the springboard and has the green "Touch here to return to call" on the screen. But when you touch it, you can't go to the phone screen. When you hit the phone icon, you also can't go to the phone screen. There is no way to hang up unless the other person hangs up.

Strange as heck. If I call from my own favorites or contacts list, it works fine. Only problem is when I dial the 1 (xxx) xxx-xxxx number that wasn't recognized in the address book.
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