Dev Team Blog says the 2.2.1 Pwnage Tool is out (2.2.5), but it seems to be only for Macs? If so, how long will it be typically before us PC users can pwn our phones? Hours, days, weeks?
Dev Team Blog says the 2.2.1 Pwnage Tool is out (2.2.5), but it seems to be only for Macs? If so, how long will it be typically before us PC users can pwn our phones? Hours, days, weeks?
It's official and out but doesn't preserve the baseband. Have us Windows users been forgotten? No hope?
I still don't understand why, for example, you couldn't create an .ipsw and host it on Rapidshare or something.
because people moight want different settings (custom boot images, unlocks, different models, cydia/installer)
Has anyone here pnwed their iPhone on a mac yet and been successful using PDAnet on 2.2.1?
UPDATE: I am now uploading the file but it is taking a while. Thanks for volunteering, KidneyMerchant. This is a dumb question, but how do you make sure it doesn't update the baseband?
If you used advanced mode there is a tick box to update (or not)
I don't know what simple mode does
Since you’ve previously pwned your iPhone before, QuickPwn isn’t necessary for you and you won’t need to wait for QuickPwn Windows to be release. If it hasn’t been pwned before, then you’re out of luck and you’ll need to wait.
Here it is! I did not make this but instead found it from another site that is linked below because I sould not figure out how to preserve the baseband from 2.2. This is 2.21 for the iPhone 3G with Cydia and Installer but no boot logos and preserving the baseband from 2.2. Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: I take no credit for this file and am not responsible for anything that happens to your device by using this file. All credit to this file goes to:
thats what i found too but its redic slow as fugg
What's redic? You mean the download? Was pretty fast for me.