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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 19, 2011
I currently have 2*1GB. I can get a single 4GB kit for the same price as 2*2GB.

I understand that using 4+1 would disable dual-channeling, but that's still 25% extra capacity. Would it make that much of a difference?

Normally I have Safari, Adium, iTunes, Pages, TextMate, Preview, Springy and jDownloader running. I do occasionally iMovie and PS CS5.

So, any idea which set up is better for my needs?
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macrumors 65816
May 1, 2007
Houston, TX
Answer really depends on if you'll ever upgrade to 8GB. Personally, I find that full slots are useless unless you are at max ram because you'll be left with 2 sticks you can't do much with (nearly all laptops have come with 4GB for the past 2 years so selling them wouldn't get you much).


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 19, 2011
That's what I was thinking, though I think this will be that last upgrade.

Is running a single 4GB equivalent to running 2 2GB?

I'm just wondering if forgoing dual-channeling is worth the extra 1GB in capacity.


macrumors 65816
Mar 21, 2010
how bout just spend the extra $20-$30 and get the 8gb kit? I found a crucial kit on amazon for about $70 the other day...


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 19, 2011
how bout just spend the extra $20-$30 and get the 8gb kit? I found a crucial kit on amazon for about $70 the other day...

It's £68 here vs £35 for 4GB, only 15p/GB cheaper.

Anywho, I went ahead and bought the 2*2GB since I was convinced by a friend that dual-channeling was worth it :D
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