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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2017
I am looking at getting a new 15" MBP and I would like peoples opinions as to whether you think the extra £270 for the 2.9GHz i9 processor is worth it over the 2.6GHz i7.

What do use the machine for? Well I do a lot of photo editing using photoshop as well as hooking up my guitar, I am not into Logic though. I also use my laptop for most jobs either work or home related, often doing several things at once. Aside from that, and importantly for me, I keep my laptops for a long time to get the most out of them, I haven't minded paying a bit more for a mac in the past with a good spec because they normally last a long time, my currant machine has been going 10 years and is still usable, the one before I had over 7 years, in contrast some friends have gone through more computers spending more money in the same amount of time. However, this currant crop of MBPs has seen a bit of a price jump and I am not sure if forking out the extra for the faster processor will be worth it for me. I will definitely be maxing out the RAM.

Your thoughts and opinions would be welcome
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