TBi said:
You void your warranty the minute you crack it open to put in more ram.
Wrong. RAM is a user-replaceable part
TBi said:
How will apple know if you've swapped a new processor in and out aswell? Oh wait, they won't unless they get at the cpu socket (which they won't) and know that something has changed (how are they to know that wasn't the way the thermal grease was applied last time...).
CPUs are not a user replaceable part.
How could they tell? Oh, I dunno, maybe... Apple records the batch numbers on the CPUs that they install and can tell when the CPU is a third party? Maybe... Apple can tell by the serial number that the machine was built as a Core Solo so what's it doing with a Duo in it?
Oh I see, You are saying to save money you buy a Core Solo machine, pay MORE THAN THE DIFFERENCE* between the Solo and the Duo for a processor, disassemble the machine to install that processor, then when you have a warranty problem, disassemble the machine again to re-install the original processor before having it worked on. Brilliant.
*CAN$679 Solo vs. $899 Duo.
Or more accurately Solo $739 w/Superdrive + Core Duo 1.66 Processor CAN$303 + shipping = $1042 vs. $899 Duo
TBi said:
You can tell people it can void their warranty but couldn't you also be nice enough as to say that apple probably won't know? It's like overclocking, no one will know unless you tell them...
Wow... making a note never to sell TBi anything that has a warranty...
Hey, everybody: Speeding in a school zone and cheating on your taxes are both against the law but you probably wont' get caught at that either.
CanadaRAM is a "not nice enough" though and says: "Bad idea, don't do it"