I have 2 questions about MP3.
**The first one:
I copied an audiobook to my i-tunes library. The audiobook was 10 CDs long. The name of the author from CD to CD was slightly different due to a typo. e.g. Günter in some CDs and Günther with an "h" in others. I have tried putting all MP3 under one unifying author: Günter, but when I go back to the hard-drive or to the i-tunes folder I get two different authors: Günter and Günther.
I also tried to rearrange the songs by numbers only without any success. Instead of using the original format of "CD-number and song-number". e.g. (CD 1-Song 3) that I originally had, I preferred using only numbers from the 1 to the 42, that is the total number of "songs" in the audiobook. However, after I did the rearrangement to numbers only, the rearrangement failed and went back to its original form of "CD-number and song-number".
What can I do to have things under only one author (Günter) and arranged in the way I want it (1-42) ??
**Question two (easier):
I go to my i-tunes library, and do a search for an artist, let´s say Madonna and the library retrieves me 20 songs.
Then, I would like to send the 20 songs to a new playlist that I have just created and that is called "Pop". how do I do that ??
Thanks a million in advance for all the help !!!
I have 2 questions about MP3.
**The first one:
I copied an audiobook to my i-tunes library. The audiobook was 10 CDs long. The name of the author from CD to CD was slightly different due to a typo. e.g. Günter in some CDs and Günther with an "h" in others. I have tried putting all MP3 under one unifying author: Günter, but when I go back to the hard-drive or to the i-tunes folder I get two different authors: Günter and Günther.
I also tried to rearrange the songs by numbers only without any success. Instead of using the original format of "CD-number and song-number". e.g. (CD 1-Song 3) that I originally had, I preferred using only numbers from the 1 to the 42, that is the total number of "songs" in the audiobook. However, after I did the rearrangement to numbers only, the rearrangement failed and went back to its original form of "CD-number and song-number".
What can I do to have things under only one author (Günter) and arranged in the way I want it (1-42) ??
**Question two (easier):
I go to my i-tunes library, and do a search for an artist, let´s say Madonna and the library retrieves me 20 songs.
Then, I would like to send the 20 songs to a new playlist that I have just created and that is called "Pop". how do I do that ??
Thanks a million in advance for all the help !!!