Friends looking to get a Mac to play some games (Bootcamp style) to take to uni (gameing rig staying at home, shares with brother so can't take it). Would the 256MB be worth the up-grade at £50 or not?
Friends looking to get a Mac to play some games (Bootcamp style) to take to uni (gameing rig staying at home, shares with brother so can't take it). Would the 256MB be worth the up-grade at £50 or not?
If I had wanted to wait, I probably would have bought the extra VRAM, but honestly, I keep a huge amount of windows and programs open, and display update has never been an issue. For games, some Pro app and even Vista and perhaps Leopard, however, the 256 may be useful in not too long. Your friend may also want to see what Steve announces tomorrow. Conroe? 512MB VRAM? Maybe.
The X1600 is a quite weak graphics card so in real-world apps and games, the advantage of going from 128MB to 256MB is only about 3 - 5%. I would only suggest the 256MB if you will use it in a dual-monitor mode. But I do agree with waiting a day. You never know what'll happen although a Sept update seems more likely.
He'll be waiting for tomorrow to see what comes around, that's for sure. I didn't think about it it. I was thinking new Mac Pros, Leopard and an iPod would be most of it; didn't think the iMacs would be touched until January...
Anyways, if they are updated I'll have a new topic with a new question. As of now, not worth it.
The iMac is Merom compatible already, so as soon as Apple has a good supply of the chips, they'll be in there, whether he announces those plans tomorrow or not. This will instantly differentiate it from the eMac as well, while keep it clearly slower than the Pro Mac.