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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 5, 2008

Would like to know how you like your 20" Imac...

Meaning, if you ever though "damn, i should of bought a 24" Imac"

Debating 20" or 24", i know the price jumps from a 20" to a 24", from the screen and the inside parts...

I bought the 20" iMac, and was like 'wow', i'd never used so much screen space before.
Then two friends bought the 24". It had sooooo much more screen space :eek:

But then, it's a matter of whether you'll use the pixels. My friends and I use photoshop/ilustrator/autocad/rhino A LOT in our course.

If you're just gaming or a casual user, you'd be very happy with the 20" :)
Mine is a 20" 2.16 Intel Core 2 Duo, it's the last run of the white ones before they went to the aluminum. I absolutely love it! It is my first Mac and probably not my last. I do love it, no regrets but I must confess that sometimes I do wonder what those extra four inches would look like on my desk. Those last four inches are some pretty pricey real estate though but if you've got the money... :rolleyes:
when i first got the 20 inch imac i thought "wow this is huge" and it barely fits my desk. but 8 months later i actually find myself wanting the extra 4 inches.
while the 20" is gorgeous, if you have the money to spare, i'd say go all out with the 24" screen.
I've had my 20" white iMac for more than a year now. I would, I now realise, have been quite happy with the 17". The 20" is screen is bigger than I need, bigger than I can comfortably concentrate on from my position in my desk chair, so I tend to use the sides/corners for different applications and only concentrate on one corner at a time. When you add in the fact that that iMac has a compulsory minimum brightness that is too bright for me, which requires third-party software to work around, I guess you could say I've been quite unhappy with the screen of my 20" iMac. OTOH, it's fantastic for watching TV or DVDs at an appropriate distance. YMMV.
20" iMAC

I have had my iMAC for awhile now and I love it. Everything works most of the time and the programs all have a simple clean interface, and are user friendly.

The wife bought a Toshiba laptop with Vista Premium installed and it has been a dog from day one. Now she's doing her email and reports on my iMAC. I am getting her a Mac notebook as soon as the Toshiba bites the dust.

I would have liked a 24'', but on reflection, it doesn't make too much diference. We purchased 2 computers at the same time, so I was under budget constrictions.
I do a lot of photography and the 20" looks fine to me even though it apparently doesn't display 16 Million colors.
I run a heap of windows apps through VM Ware without any problems. My other 4 PC's are hardly ever switched on these days.

You know, I've been struggling with the 20 v 24 choice myself. Planning on purchasing an iMac (my first Apple computer) next week.

I drove to an Apple Store this evening and compared the two side-by-side. Brought some of my own photos, loaded them up on both machines, and looked at both. Also had my wife (an award-winning artist whose eye is much better than mine) check 'em both out. We both felt that the 24 wins hands-down. The clarity and the impact of the extra size (supported by the two additional panels) are amazing.

They're both great displays, so you can't lose either way. Still, I'll be putting my hard-earned cash down on the 24.
Got a 20" back in Feb from the refurb store ($999). I think the cheapest 24" was $1399 or 1499, dont remember. That was part of the reason I went with the 20", the other part was the 24" was too big for my my desk, plus I thought it was total overkill.

Going from a 4:3 19" screen to this 20" widescreen, it certainly seemed huge! It still does, but now that there are 24" in the refurb store for $1299, if were buying now Id spring the extra money.
I love my 20" screen, it's plenty big and excellent quality. I have no complaints, it's the best screen I've ever owned. Highly suggested.
Thanks for all the opinions/suggestions! I guess i just have to wait till the Oct 14th, see if they will cut some slack on the prices or some sort or suprises, especially the holidays are coming up!
I love my 20" screen, it's plenty big and excellent quality. I have no complaints, it's the best screen I've ever owned. Highly suggested.

Ive had mine for only 1 month and all I can say is this is the nicest computer I have ever had. I dont regret my purchase of the 20".
Well I bought my first Mac ever in January. It was a 20" alum 2.4 and I was and still is very happy with it. But looking back now I wish I would have gotten the 24 incher and I would have made room for it. My only reason for getting the 20 instead of the 24 at that time was that I being new at Macs, I was afraid of not being able to learn the system good enough so why spend the extra money on a 24 if I wasn't going to be happy using a Mac and not be able to use it or adjust to it. But for an old guy I learned it very well and now I regret not getting the 24". Does that make sense? Well it did to me at the time. My next one will be the larger iMac when I get tired of this one. But for anyone that has had experience using Mac computers in the past I would suggest getting the 24" model.
I agree with some of the other posters.

If I had the extra money, I would have bought the 24 inch instead. For what I use my computer for (graphic design, photography, CAD drawings, research, large spreadsheets, etc), I wish I had the extra space. But 20" is plenty big and works fine for small/medium projects.

Go to an Apple store or a Best Buy that carries Apple products and check it out for yourself. :)
Ive had mine for only 1 month and all I can say is this is the nicest computer I have ever had. I dont regret my purchase of the 20".

Yeah, it's great. So much better than a laptop, since I rarely use a laptop away from a desk. And when I do, I still have my HP for the rare occasion when I do.
I got a 20in iMac 2.4ghz and i love mine. I use photoshop and illustrator alot and like to browse the internet at the same time so i ended up getting a 20in dell widescreen monitor and now i have more screen space then the 24in iMac and was cheaper. I'd suggest getting a 20" and if you need more space just pick up another monitor for cheap.
i have to say i have had my 20" alu for about a month now and the screen is plenty big enough. for me anyway. I'm doing a computing degree at uni atm and i do alot of web design/flash and essays and everything along those lines and it brilliant. the screen is fantastic. i always get disappointed with the colour of my websites when i check them on the uni network. the 20" is amazing aswell. the 24" would be fantastic thing to have but it depends what you want and how much money you have to spend.
I wonder if the prices for the Imacs, might drop a little on the 14th? If not, i'm just gonna order one...
I love mine. I bought the 2.4GHz, aluminum model. The thing is amazing, and the 20" screen is perfect. I use Photoshop CS3, Lightroom and Aperture, and I've never found myself wishing I'd have bought the 24".
I own a 20 aluminum imac. I was also debating whether a 20" or 24" at that time. Finally I decided to buy the 20 and used the price difference to get some more rams, HD space etc.

20" is fine. I never even considered going for the 24.

I use a 20" at work, so a 24" at home would make my work life a little worse because I'd get used to the bigger screen.

Plus you need to up the resolution on a bigger screen in games, so lose a few FPS.
I love my 20" iMac. Perfect size for at home. Really don't need it any bigger. But i guess some people might. No regrets here anyway.

Would like to know how you like your 20" Imac...

Meaning, if you ever though "damn, i should of bought a 24" Imac"

Debating 20" or 24", i know the price jumps from a 20" to a 24", from the screen and the inside parts...


Its great your looking into an Apple. The "iMac" I just purchased is the 20' and I love it. The screen is much larger than what it appears to be. There is price gap with the 20' and 24' although it is all well worth your money. I just saw a 24' refurbished for an amazing price on Apple. I would highly recommend you looking into that. You can never say you have to much but I sure would hate not having enough... screen size and power of course. I will be returning my iMac and getting the 24', if all goes as planned, for under 100.00 more than what I paid. Ill keep you all updated as things go if anyone is interested.

PS: Not to be your English teacher or anything but you should know if your going to be a Apple owner its iMac and not Imac. Just a given... Good luck.
go with the 20 . . . .unless your downsizing from something larger, you'll be impressed.
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