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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 8, 2008

I have an iMac 20" (model MB324). The new model of 21.5" (MB950) is much better? Performance is better? Or 20" is more stable?

I can sell my 20" and buy the 21.5 with $250. Does it worth?

I see GPU is better in 20" (dedicated), right? Is it normal to find yellow screen in new models of 21.5"?
IMHO the biggest improvement in the 21.5" is the IPS monitor instead of a TN monitor. Basically viewable from all angles without drop off or color shifts. I don't know how much of a loss having the integrated graphics would be, since the 9400M is surprisingly snappy for its ilk. The problem is you would be trading from the high-end smaller screen system to the low-end smaller screen system, and the major difference in performance between low-end and high-end is the graphics processor.
The new 21.5" has many complaints about yellow screen like 27" model???

The new 21.5" comparing with 20" has better processor, memory, HD and video, right?
I haven't seen any complaints about yellow screens in the 21.5", and even for the 27" it is sporadic (my 27" was second week of manufacture and has no problems).

The 21.5" has a faster processor, more standard memory (and less expensive memory upgrades because it has 4 slots instead of 2), a bigger standard hard drive, and probably but not necessarily better graphics (I don't know that for sure). But it is questionable whether any of these are worth the upgrade cost and hassle. I only upgrade if there is a clear advantage, otherwise I wait.
I have to empty my data in my iMac 20" if I sell it.

7-Pass Erase is safe? Or it is reccomended 35-Pass Erase. I always used a lot infos of credit cards, banks...

It's interesting that you are so concerned about the secure erase yet you apparently don't keep your credit card (and other personal) info encrypted on your machine in the first place? All it takes is a thief and they have everything.

Get a program like 1Password, or use encrypted disk images or the Keychain to store this stuff.

And a 7x erase is fine unless the CIA is after your credit cards!
I will get 1password in my new Mac.

Just one more question, I use daily TimeMachine with TimeCapsule to do my backups. Now I will format my Mac, everything is in my TimeCapsule?

When my new Mac arrive at my home, I just have to link with my TC to restore my datas?

You can do that or use the migration utility with you old iMac in booted target disk mode and connected via Firewire to your new iMac.
You can do that or use the migration utility with you old iMac in booted target disk mode and connected via Firewire to your new iMac.

I will sell my old Mac before has the new one. In this case, how to backup my data, including iTunes musicas and apps?

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