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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 14, 2008
Wish me luck, just deleted the 128Gb SSD and clean installed lion, MBP took a week or so to install everything i needed, main computer will take longer no doubt
Same Mac as you and I've been putting this off as long as possible ... good luck.

2008 Mac Pro, 2X2.8 Quad, 16 G ram, no problems here and I loaded Lion when it initially appeared.
needed it for the new Avid 6, and i'm sure it will help with FCPx and Adobe creative suite.

Other than that Audio plugins sand various DAWs take forever to get right.

Had to wait for drivers for my RME fire face 400, other than that everything is going very smoothly

Launchpad is a bit crap though, at least with iOS you can move everything around and create new pages easily, this basically installs a heap of crap, why the hell would you want uninstaller shortcuts to everything.=?

Bought Launchpad Cleaner which is a good little app but shouldn't really be needed if Apple sorted this by themselves
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