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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 16, 2008
How would you price this for a local sale?

Mac Pro 3,1 - 2x2.8 Ghz Quad Core Processors, 10GB ram 800 MHz w/ 2 slots open, 500GBWD HD 7500RPM, clean install w/original install disks, GeForce 8800, Single SuperDrive, Airport Express. Excellent cosmetically, very low usage (PS/Websurfing). or eBay (Việt Nam, Türkiye, Česká republika, Hanguk) might be good price checkers.

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How would you price this for a local sale?

Mac Pro 3,1 - 2x2.8 Ghz Quad Core Processors, 10GB ram 800 MHz w/ 2 slots open, 500GBWD HD 7500RPM, clean install w/original install disks, GeForce 8800, Single SuperDrive, Airport Express. Excellent cosmetically, very low usage (PS/Websurfing).

I think you should sell it with 4gb base ram and sell the other 6gb to me, you will make more that way ;)
Woops...please disregard my post I have only been a member for 3 years and clearly don't have enough technical knowledge to contribute enough for a 250 post count so I can post in the correct forum. I'm guessing there are no exceptions.

I have looked at the pricing guides already but hoped for some real feedback on the market for a 2008. It appears for other threads that it is acceptable to ask in this forum if something is a "good deal"

Let me rephrase my post question: I'm in the market for a used 2008, is this a good deal or shoud I buy a new 2010?

If that is inappropriate, please delete the thread.
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I think 1900 is a decent price for that machine. As someone else stated taking the ram to ebay might fet you more since the DDR2 stuff is expensive.

Good luck on the sale
I usually check out the completed listings on eBay, for pricing ideas. That being said, my guess would be that a number around $1900 would be about right for the machine you described...
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