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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 9, 2011
Does anyone know what the best Crucial RAM is for a 2009 MacBook Pro 13" 2.26, 1066 MHz DDR3?

The Crucial website suggested this:

However, I found the following two options on Amazon (and I would like to stick with one of these because they have local next day delivery available):

Fair warning- I am totally uninformed on this topic, so the answer is probably obvious, but the second Amazon link mentions DDR3-1066 under "specs", does that mean the other will not work? Which one would run the proper way and quickest? Thanks in advance

EDIT: Found out which one was 1066 and so I'm going with that (the second Amazon link) rather than the 1333 - at least I know it's fully supported as that's what's in there now. It was more of a confusion about numbers for me. Hopefully this can help someone else.
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macrumors 65816
May 23, 2012
Check and see what is in your mac currently and match the speed that is there. You can try and get something "faster" but it's not guaranteed to work and it will only go at the speed your motherboard can handle (ie getting 10600 and it running at 8500 anyway)

It's not recommended to get RAM at a speed that your motherboard cannot use. Stick with the recommended suggestion in regards to speed and maximum RAM.

If it says the max is 8GB do not get 16GB as it will not work. It is a motherboard limitation that cannot be changed.

Does anyone know what the best Crucial RAM is for a 2009 MacBook Pro 13" 2.26, 1066 MHz DDR3?

The Crucial website suggested this:

However, I found the following two options on Amazon (and I would like to stick with one of these because they have local next day delivery available):

Fair warning- I am totally uninformed on this topic, so the answer is probably obvious, but the second Amazon link mentions DDR3-1066 under "specs", does that mean the other will not work? Which one would run the proper way and quickest? Thanks in advance


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 9, 2011
Check and see what is in your mac currently and match the speed that is there. You can try and get something "faster" but it's not guaranteed to work and it will only go at the speed your motherboard can handle (ie getting 10600 and it running at 8500 anyway)

It's not recommended to get RAM at a speed that your motherboard cannot use. Stick with the recommended suggestion in regards to speed and maximum RAM.

If it says the max is 8GB do not get 16GB as it will not work. It is a motherboard limitation that cannot be changed.

Thanks for your reply. Well, I'm getting 8GB either way, since I know that's the max. I'm just confused which one of the two 8GB I posted is better to get since there are people in the reviews section of each one claiming they worked well in their machine (same model as mine). I'm trying to figure out which of the two is better.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 9, 2011
1067MHz DDR3 (2GB) is in there now, if that helps. I believe that is the original from Apple.
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