How much RAM do I need to run Plex and playback 1080p MKV's with a bit of headroom? I don't want to buy excessively more than I need.
You will need 4GB to run smoothly.
So, if I buy a base model mini with 1GB, I assume I can just add another 1GB CAS7 stick like this?...
If you're going to open up a Mini - spend a few extra bucks on 4GB. Whether you *need* 4GB or not for Plex is irrelevant. The price difference between 2GB and 4GB is just not worth NOT putting in 4GB.
Thanks for the replies.
So, if I buy a base model mini with 1GB, I assume I can just add another 1GB CAS7 stick like this?...
I'm sure the Mini will come with matched pair of sticks (e.g., 2x512 mb).
Actually this isn't true...just picked up a new mac mini about a month ago and it only had a single 1 GB stick installed.
When my 1gb Mini comes in, I think I am just going to buy a 2gb stick and use the extra $50-70 on HD storageBut another part of me says opening the Mini looks like a PITA so might as well make it 4gb and be done with it
lol some the replies you got are mental.
I have the stock 2009 model, ran it for a month with 1GB of ram everything plays fine, inc high bitrate MKV's with DTS.
I put the 2GB kit in that I bought for it, but it certainly wasn't needing it...