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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2011
My Mac Pro 2009 with the dual xeon upgrade, EFI hack 5,1 just died. All I did was install the latest apple security patch.:eek:

After much trial and error and pulled the dual cpu board out and installed the old single board and it's up and running.

Coincidence or did one on my xeon just up and die. I'm using the memory from the dual board.

Sorry, Guess I could have added a wee bit more

1) Installed old CPU tray to test, video, PS, and HD. When it booted up I knew the issue was in the dual tray somewhere.
2) Cycled all the memory through the single cpu tray to test. None came up bad.
3) Removed the B processor from the CPU tray and add one stick on 8GB memory on the A side. It would not boot. Only a black screen.

I have not place the B processor on the A side yet as I need some more thermal paste. Will do this next to see if the A processor died.

If both processors come back bad ????? It's been running rock solid for months now.
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What happened after you installed the Apple security update?

I highly doubt the CPU is 'bad', I suppose they can die, but its got to be incredibly high odds that this is whats happened in your case. Have you inspected the board for anything that looks out of the ordinary?Is it still under Applecare?
After the updates were applied, it requested a reboot. It never rebooted... black screen only. At first I though the HD had died.

The board looks good, cooling fins a nice a clean. Applecare.. not on this board. The CPU tray was put together with apple spares (OEM parts, new).
with the dual CPU, did you try to boot from a backup (superduper or ccc clone) that doesn't contain the Security Update? Or from your original Install disks?
It Happen to me also. Since i didn't replace my Octo to Hex core Processor what i did is i restore to Lion by Pressing the C key until the Restoration HD appear and after Lion is restore then i restore my backup from TimeMachine 1 day before the update and downgrade my MacPro back to 2009 4.1 nothing is lost only my memory are running back at 1066 instate of 1333.
Is the conclusion here that applying the latest Security Update breaks the 4,1--> 5,1 firmware upgrade, or are we talking about isolated incidents / errors?

Has anyone with a 4,1 --> 5,1 firmware upgrade & W3680 swap performed the Security Update withOUT problems?
Never mind, I guess. I thought this was some new Security Update that I hadn't applied yet. My Software Update shows nothing pending, so I assume this is an isolated pair of incidents. Carry on.
Sorry about the excitement.. It had to be co-incidental hardware failure.

It failed when I applied the latest Snow Leopard security patch. After it failed I put the old single processor board back in and it worked. I then updated to Lion, and put the dual processor board in it failed again.

I ordered a new processor board... :mad:
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