On the logic board, below the first HD, there is a connection labled "ODD PWR". Any idea what is it for? Is it related to PCIE fan operation in anyway? Thanks.
No, that's the "CrAzY PoWa" plug... like the Infinite Improbability Drive on The Heart of Gold ship. You could end up with a ballistic missile and a whale. Watch out!
No, that's the "CrAzY PoWa" plug... like the Infinite Improbability Drive on The Heart of Gold ship. You could end up with a ballistic missile and a whale. Watch out!
so it has nothing to do with the PCIe fan, right? I was dissembling my DX4 set up, and pulled too hard, so the molex connector (on board) came loose, I did plugged it back in. Then my PCIe fan stopped at 0 rpm, tried SMC reset and still not working. I bought my MP used and do not have AHT disc, I just want to make sure I did not damage the backplane.