That said the power supplies do have capacitors large enough to deliver a shock. That could arc through jewlrey into other sensitive components or prompt a reflexive jerk which might have unfortunate results depending on your surroundings.
One time I was replacing some electrical component on my car (alternator I think). Whatever it was required the disconnection of the battery.
I had my gold wedding band on at the time.
At some point, the wrench I had left on top of the battery managed to make some sort of connection. I was entirely unaware of this until my wedding band got intensely hot. So, I look up and there's the wrench having bridged itself while I'm working on metal parts inside the engine compartment.
I immediately took my ring off and dislodged the wrench. The only lasting result was that I managed to make the inscription on my ring darker because I inadvertently had driven current through the ring.
You know how they say gold is a great electrical conductor? Well, yeah!