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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
North Wales, UK

My early 2011 MBpro recently had problems booting and after lots of fault finding I got the problem down to the main HDD bay as my boot disks worked fine out of the DVD bay.

Ive got 3 boot disks (2 x SSD and 1 mac HDD) which all boot fine on the second bay but wouldn't on the main. After trawling online I found the problems with the SATA cables so I ordered a replacement for part 821-1198-a.

The replacement part has arrived and Ive just fitted it but its still not seeing the disk on boot (flashing folder).

Does anyone know of my next option if its not the cable? Im thinking at the moment its the motherboard or Ive received a faulty replacement cable but Ive no way of testing it.

Does anyone know if I can get any support in the UK for an out of warranty mbp?
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