Recently (like in the last month), I got my 2011 MBP repaired on Apple's dime for the video issue. New motherboard and out the door. The authorized service center guy was amazing, but yet he stated that it maybe about time to look for a new laptop. Now keep in mind he wasn't selling anything at the time. Just friendly chat.
So I came home and hit the web looking and of course got sticker shock. Wondering if I would notice a serious improvement over my current laptop. My MBP is an early 2011 version with a 2.2 I7 and 8gb of ram. Of course I still have the HDD that came with the original unit.
The 13" MBP (2016) has an I5 processor at 2.9
The 15" MBP (2016) has an available I7 processor at 2.6
Lately, I have not been doing any editing of video (I did when the laptop was new). I adjust photos and write mostly, along with the web surfing and my iTunes library also resides on the laptop.
My question is would I notice that much of a speed increase over my current MBP? Would I be wise to upgrade the RAM to 16gb and replace the hard drive and run her till she drops? OR would I be wise to take the repairman's advice and get a new MBP? How about a refurbished 15" from 2015, they are available at an amazing price currently...... I could easily wipe the laptop clean and get 400-600 for it on the secondary market, money to add to the purse for the purchase of a newer MBP.
Sorry for the novel, I just have some questions, and I am afraid if I go to an Apple store, or the local Best Buy, I may not get the best of advice.
Thanks in advance for any advice the forum can provide.
Recently (like in the last month), I got my 2011 MBP repaired on Apple's dime for the video issue. New motherboard and out the door. The authorized service center guy was amazing, but yet he stated that it maybe about time to look for a new laptop. Now keep in mind he wasn't selling anything at the time. Just friendly chat.
So I came home and hit the web looking and of course got sticker shock. Wondering if I would notice a serious improvement over my current laptop. My MBP is an early 2011 version with a 2.2 I7 and 8gb of ram. Of course I still have the HDD that came with the original unit.
The 13" MBP (2016) has an I5 processor at 2.9
The 15" MBP (2016) has an available I7 processor at 2.6
Lately, I have not been doing any editing of video (I did when the laptop was new). I adjust photos and write mostly, along with the web surfing and my iTunes library also resides on the laptop.
My question is would I notice that much of a speed increase over my current MBP? Would I be wise to upgrade the RAM to 16gb and replace the hard drive and run her till she drops? OR would I be wise to take the repairman's advice and get a new MBP? How about a refurbished 15" from 2015, they are available at an amazing price currently...... I could easily wipe the laptop clean and get 400-600 for it on the secondary market, money to add to the purse for the purchase of a newer MBP.
Sorry for the novel, I just have some questions, and I am afraid if I go to an Apple store, or the local Best Buy, I may not get the best of advice.
Thanks in advance for any advice the forum can provide.