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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 19, 2009
My 3.3GHz i5 2015 27" iMac has the nasty habit of spontaneously rebooting itself periodically. Looking in Termina at the termination code, it reports "-64" which is "unknown."

I have eliminated the possibility of a bad memory module by removing 1 of the 4 modules in turn to see if the kernel panics continue, and they do.

Although the correlation isn't perfect, I feel that the iMac is more likely to experience the kernel panic during or shortly after a lengthy high processor intensive task. I do use TG Pro to crank up the fan speeds, but that by itself hasn't been enough.

I have a couple of questions...

1. Are there other steps I can take to troubleshoot this, in case I'm wrong about the temps being an issue?
2. Are there other ways to try to keep the temps under control?
3. Is this an issue with ALL 27" iMacs, regardless of year of manufacture, or are modern (say, 2019) models less susceptible to overheating?

There's a lot of stuff in Console...what would be most useful to post?
I loaded a DVD on my external Drive and the iMac crashed. This happened once before and this is the second time. I was able to copy the crash log. Anyone have a clue to give me to what may have caused it?

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff8018d86aa1): "mount_common(): mount of udf filesystem failed with 6, but vnode list is not empty."@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff92174c3600 : 0xffffff8018b1f5cd

0xffffff92174c3650 : 0xffffff8018c58b05

0xffffff92174c3690 : 0xffffff8018c4a68e

0xffffff92174c36e0 : 0xffffff8018ac5a40

0xffffff92174c3700 : 0xffffff8018b1ec97

0xffffff92174c3800 : 0xffffff8018b1f087

0xffffff92174c3850 : 0xffffff80192c27cc

0xffffff92174c38c0 : 0xffffff8018d86aa1

0xffffff92174c3b10 : 0xffffff8018d87802

0xffffff92174c3f00 : 0xffffff8018d872be

0xffffff92174c3f40 : 0xffffff8019187097

0xffffff92174c3fa0 : 0xffffff8018ac6206

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: mount_udf

Mac OS version:

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