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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 7, 2005
My 2015 MBP has HS on it, generally works fine. Connects to wifi at home and pretty much anywhere with zero issues.

But there's wifi in an office area near here that requires a password. Half of the time the MBP connects normally. The other half of the time the machine just keeps trying to connect indefinitely. Once in a while deleting it from the list of known access points and re-adding it fixes it. Occasionally rebooting the machine fixes it. But usually it just never connects.

Any ideas? It's very odd. Just this one single Wifi access point. For what it's worth, my iPhone sitting next to me connects to it 100% of the time with no issues.

Thanks in advance


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
IF the MBP connects everywhere else OK -- but only has problems with one particular wifi location -- the last thing I would do would be any heavy tinkering with it.

"The problem" is with the setup at that particular location.
Just deal with it when you're there. In other words, put up with it.
I'd try the reboot trick, at least.
This is their problem -- not yours.

If you start fooling with the MBP too much, it could mess up the connections everywhere else!
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