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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2018

I have a MacBook 2016 with m7 8GB ram. I’m most rly using it for web development and some design using Sketch. Overall I was quite satisfied with its performance.

Several days ago I decided to buy an external 1440p monitor and connected it with a the official apple usb-c to HDMI adapter.

Since connecting the monitor I feel that the performance degraded significantly. I’m trying to use the resolution, so I’m opening much more windows and apps, but I wouldn’t think it should degrade so much.

My workflow at the moment is 2 windows of webstom with 3-4 tabs each, 2 chrome windows with 4-5 tabs each, Slack, Skype and Spotify.

Do you have a similar or different experience with your MacBook? Perhaps I’m blaming the monitor but it’s something else.
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Ashton Cofer

macrumors member
Feb 7, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
I currently use a 60hz 4k monitor connected to my 13 inch 2016 MacBook Pro (16Gb ram) and I don't have any performance issues. However, I wouldn't be surprised if your 2016 Macbook slowed down given your intensive workflow. One thing you can check is to make sure that you are displaying at 60hz and not 30hz since that will make your computer feel choppy and slow.


macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I currently use a 60hz 4k monitor connected to my 13 inch 2016 MacBook Pro (16Gb ram) and I don't have any performance issues. However, I wouldn't be surprised if your 2016 Macbook slowed down given your intensive workflow. One thing you can check is to make sure that you are displaying at 60hz and not 30hz since that will make your computer feel choppy and slow.

You’re using a MacBook Pro though with had a much faster integrated GPU, so I would expect your performance to be much better.

To the OP, there will be some performance degradation since your graphics GPU is driving 2 displays, but as well due to the additional programs you are running to take advantage of the added screen real-estate. Chrome itself is harsh on system resources which may be where the biggest performance hit is.
Try running the resource monitor, and then open all the program you mentioned one at a time, and check the resource monitor to see which application may be draining the most performance. Overall though, you should expect to see some performer hit, graphically, since the integrated graphics chip in your MacBook now has to drive two monitors, and isn’t that powerful to begin with.
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