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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Puyallup, Wa

So I brought back my Mac.
The Apple Store refused to exchange it, but they did let me refund it.

So this morning I read an article about people finding surface scratches on their 2016 Macbook Pro's with the touchbar. They are claiming that the keys are running on the screen causing little, perfectly straight surface scratches. So I cleaned my screen real well with a microfiber cloth and looked at in under a light. And to my surprise I had quite a few little scratches. And also there were some spots where the keys are rubbing off the coating they have on the screen. So I headed on down to the Apple Store.

I don't quit understand why they would refund it but they refused to exchange it. My original purchase date was January 3rd 2017. The manager was frustrated with me because it would of been my 5th machine. I think that is why she refused to exchange it. and by refunding me she thinks that it will stop the flow of returns. Little does she know....... I will be buying another one when I get my refund in the account.

Here is a link to keyboard cloth to keep this from happening. I highly recommend it. I have read a few articles on these and people swear by them.

Hey, guys, I am one of the unlucky people with a Macbook Pro with the keyboard click. I have the base model 15 inch with the touchbar. I went through 4 computers until I found one that only gets the clicking issue in the number keys. I figured I better settle with that since I will be using the number keys far less than any of the other keys.

Here is a link to a YouTube Video of my computer's keys clicking after it has warmed up.

I see people frustrated wondering why they have these issues but others don't. I personally don't think that's the case. I think that every keyboard is faulty and that the heat from the computer causes it. So the people that don't report having the issue, use the computer lightly and don't use any apps that would cause the computer to heat to the level needed to start the clicking.

I would like test out the heat theory and see what the range is that the issues start. I think that the heat from the computer's processor causes something in the keyboards to expand. There for causing different keys to get the nasty click and some to not. Because whenever I get the clicks my computer is pretty hot, and when the computer cools down the clicking goes away. Something that I do find is weird is that everyone reports different keys having the issue. Maybe someone may know the answer to this. But my question is does each computer heat up in different spots differently? I would think since they are all built the same all the hotspots would be the same for everyone. Obviously, it would depend on which configuration you have. But I would think it would have affected the same keys across the board. That is if my theory is even correct.

So if you would like. Could you please reply below with a little information about your mac and the temperatures when the keyboard started clicking.

Make sure to use iStats or some system monitoring App to get your info. A screenshot of the results would be awesome. (As long as no personal information like serial numbers etc is on the screenshot)

Here is the info to post.

1. Model, Size, and Configuration your Macbook (Processor, Ram, SSD size)
2. Temperatures when the clicking starts.
3. What you were doing on the computer to start the clicking
4. Any other useful information.

It will be nice to compare info and see what temperature is causing these issues. Maybe if we get enough replies Apple might actually do something

I will run the tests myself tomorrow when I get off work and post my results.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
I own two of the Touchbar 13" units and recently picked up the 15" as well.

I'm a photographer and writer. Thus far none of the three machines exhibit this issue. I'm currently running Final Cut Pro, Photoshop and Lightroom for two of the three. The 3rd 13" is used for data entry with hospital software by my wife.

The hottest I've gotten any of these machines to run is when running a game like Bioshock. That pulls power like mad and gets the fans going.

But I don't hear any clicking, though I would imagine heat could effect plastic parts. Another possible issue would be that your machines came from a source using a slight variation in keyboard parts. At this point I know too many people with the touch bar issue-free, so it's unlikely that all machines are effected.



macrumors 68040
Nov 30, 2012
I don't play games on laptops but I'm curious when your playing a game and heating up the system with fans running, how many keys on the keyboard are you really using vs someone who is under the same conditions using it as productivity using more keys.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Puyallup, Wa
I own two of the Touchbar 13" units and recently picked up the 15" as well.

I'm a photographer and writer. Thus far none of the three machines exhibit this issue. I'm currently running Final Cut Pro, Photoshop and Lightroom for two of the three. The 3rd 13" is used for data entry with hospital software by my wife.

The hottest I've gotten any of these machines to run is when running a game like Bioshock. That pulls power like mad and gets the fans going.

But I don't hear any clicking, though I would imagine heat could effect plastic parts. Another possible issue would be that your machines came from a source using a slight variation in keyboard parts. At this point I know too many people with the touch bar issue-free, so it's unlikely that all machines are effected.


What is the manufacture dates are of your MacBooks? Wow that's crazy. I got 4 in a row and still have the problem. You got 3 and none have that problem. How does that work?
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
I don't play games on laptops but I'm curious when your playing a game and heating up the system with fans running, how many keys on the keyboard are you really using vs someone who is under the same conditions using it as productivity using more keys.

I don't believe that your comment is valid. He's suggesting that the heat is effecting surfaces and materials so that they make a different sound. That IS valid. But once it occurs it SHOULD be audible once I use the keyboard at all.

Also, two nights ago I took a break and my 12 year-old an I played Bioshock for about an hour. After that I was back at work and did not observe the sound.

If he has 4 machines doing the same thing I'm more of the view that they were sourced the same and his keyboard is somehow different. We already know that these are handled by several different build stations, so variation is likely. Look at the folks who got several machines with bad keys as an example. Now I know MR is a relatively small pool, but if I get several machines with a bad "M" key and few others have that issue, I look at the BATCH from which my system is sourced.

I don't doubt that there are issues and glitches, but I own both systems and can't duplicate any of them. The worst "event" was the initial laughable battery life of the 15" model. But that ended fast and I'm now at 81% with 9:19 remaining. (But playing Bioshock it drains just as fast as last years MBP!).

What is the manufacture dates are of your MacBooks? Wow that's crazy. I got 4 in a row and still have the problem. You got 3 and none have that problem. How does that work?

My 15" is Nov. 25th 2016. I'd have to check on the 13" models.

I actually bought my 15" from a friend for cheap and it had been sitting unopened on his shelf for a month. I believe he orders through B&H Photo in NY. The two 13" Touch bars came from B&H and Amazon and they were bought just after release.

Where were your machines bought?? I'd return, get a full refund and order one from somewhere else. Couldn't hurt to try. BTW, my friend own a post production house. They use 4 of the 15" touch bars with Red system footage (among others) and no issues so far.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Puyallup, Wa
I don't believe that your comment is valid. He's suggesting that the heat is effecting surfaces and materials so that they make a different sound. That IS valid. But once it occurs it SHOULD be audible once I use the keyboard at all.

Also, two nights ago I took a break and my 12 year-old an I played Bioshock for about an hour. After that I was back at work and did not observe the sound.

If he has 4 machines doing the same thing I'm more of the view that they were sourced the same and his keyboard is somehow different. We already know that these are handled by several different build stations, so variation is likely. Look at the folks who got several machines with bad keys as an example. Now I know MR is a relatively small pool, but if I get several machines with a bad "M" key and few others have that issue, I look at the BATCH from which my system is sourced.

I don't doubt that there are issues and glitches, but I own both systems and can't duplicate any of them. The worst "event" was the initial laughable battery life of the 15" model. But that ended fast and I'm now at 81% with 9:19 remaining. (But playing Bioshock it drains just as fast as last years MBP!).


My 15" is Nov. 25th 2016. I'd have to check on the 13" models.

I actually bought my 15" from a friend for cheap and it had been sitting unopened on his shelf for a month. I believe he orders through B&H Photo in NY. The two 13" Touch bars came from B&H and Amazon and they were bought just after release.

Where were your machines bought?? I'd return, get a full refund and order one from somewhere else. Couldn't hurt to try. BTW, my friend own a post production house. They use 4 of the 15" touch bars with Red system footage (among others) and no issues so far.

I purchased my Macbook Pro from the Apple Store in my area. I am past the 2 week grace period that we have here. I wish I could bring it back and exchange it for another computere and hope maybe I get one from a good batch.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
I purchased my Macbook Pro from the Apple Store in my area. I am past the 2 week grace period that we have here. I wish I could bring it back and exchange it for another computere and hope maybe I get one from a good batch.

You should make a video for youtube showing "Cold" click vs. "warm". Put camera/phone close to keyboard so we can hear it. That would be very useful for everyone with this issue.

I don't like the hollow sound these track pads make, but that's another issue.



macrumors member
Dec 28, 2016
Base 2016 non TB 13" MBP here. Haven't been able to find a specific temperature, but after gaming (Team Fortress 2)/benchmarking (eg: Heaven or Valley) and the computer stays at a high temperature (around 60C+) for some time, my backspace/delete button starts sounding more 'clicky' with a higher pitched sound when clicking. Haven't noticed on other keys. The sound becomes normal again after the laptop is cool for a while. If this matters, my MBP has the US style keyboard with rectangular enter/return key. Not like a Middle East version which gets the flipped L shaped enter/return key.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Puyallup, Wa
You should make a video for youtube showing "Cold" click vs. "warm". Put camera/phone close to keyboard so we can hear it. That would be very useful for everyone with this issue.

I don't like the hollow sound these track pads make, but that's another issue.


Here is a link to a YouTube video I uploaded of my computer doing it. This is the first computer I had when the b and c keys had the click really bad. Here is the link.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
Very odd. It sounds like the click is on release, with the key snapping up.

I can't duplicate it on my keyboards, but I'll keep an ear out for it. Maybe it will happen over time?



macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
People have different levels of expectation and tolerance of differences in key sounds. My keys have differences in sound, some clickier, but it doesn't bother me. I've heard some videos of keyboards that might bother me, and some that probably wouldn't. Not sure if the keyboard shown above would bother me or not. The clicking does make the keyboard more noisy even if you're typing quietly, and my noisier keys aren't letters, so that helps.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2017
Puyallup, Wa
Very odd. It sounds like the click is on release, with the key snapping up.

I can't duplicate it on my keyboards, but I'll keep an ear out for it. Maybe it will happen over time?


It only happens when my Mac is super warm. And when it cools down it goes away. Normal browsing, word processor, stuff like that doesn't case it to happen.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2011
I don't quit understand why they would refund it but they refused to exchange it. My original purchase date was January 3rd 2017. The manager was frustrated with me because it would of been my 5th machine. I think that is why she refused to exchange it. and by refunding me she thinks that it will stop the flow of returns. Little does she know....... I will be buying another one when I get my refund in the account.

Don't get me wrong here - I have genuine questions out of my curiosity and observations of people behavior/motives on this forum:
1. What do you do for living? Do you need this Mac to earn money?
2. If not, do you really enjoy going through multiple exchanges (which is your sole customer right) - because reading your post it seems like you like it more than actual product?
3. Lastly, do you really need and enjoy using this MacBook? You haven't been using it much going through +5 exchanges since January.

I hope you will find my curiosity well - it is not to offend or judge you. Thank you!
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