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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 25, 2016
Hi everyone, I have 2016 tMBP 15" 2.9 / 16G / 1TB / 460, and I have been using it for around 4 days.

Unlikely most here, I have no problems with my battery life. I'm getting 7-10 hours as long as integrated graphics are kept on. Given this is my first Mac, I am quite impressed coming from 1-3 hours I was used to in a standard Windows laptop (which I have been using for the last ~6 years).

Unfortunately, I find that this Mac switches to dGPU for apps that are hardly graphics intensive. 2 applications I use a lot are Mendeley Desktop (for sorting out PDF articles) and EndNote (for research bibliography).

Once these 2 apps hit, I see my battery life drop significantly from the aforementioned 7-10 hours to 3-5 hours which I find is worrying ... not only for outside usage, but also for preserving battery health (Mac advises replacement at 1000 cycles).

Does anybody have any advice regarding this? I looked into gfxcardstatus but I hear it's still waiting to be patched up for macOS Sierra.
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