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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2007
I got a new top-model 2017 MBP on Friday from Apple because they tried 3x to fix my 2016 MBP keyboard and failed (with the last attempt, the old issue was fixed but the new issue was that each time the TouchID was pressed (not touched), the whole computer froze and had to be force-restarted). I just started to run benchmarks on the computer and while CPU and SSD perform as I expect (CPU slightly faster than the 2016 model, SSD write is same but read is 20% faster), the GPU is slower than even my 2011 MacBook Pro.

- I have verified the discrete GPU is engaging (gfxCardStatus)
- I am plugged into AC power
- I have run three different GPU tests (Maxon's CineBench, Unigine's "Heaven" and "Valley") all with the same settings I use on all my computers (though N/A for CineBench)

The GPU is performing, in CineBench, at only 27.16 fps on average from 5 runs. My 2011 MBP got up to 36.26fps average, and the 2016MBP with the AMD 460 GPU got up to 83.3fps. Similar fraction for the other tests.

Oddly, iStats Menu shows that the GPU is maxing out at just under 25% of its power. In every test. I looked for any sort of throttling in the preferences and couldn't find any. The computer is running macOS 10.13.1.

I spoke via chat with an Apple Support person and he didn't know what I was even talking about, thinking I was trying to leave feedback about my computer, and gave me the generic feedback link for Apple. I transferred to a Senior Advisor and she also didn't seem to know what I was talking about, royally ticking me off by saying that it appeared as though I "feel" as though my computer isn't performing as it should. She sent me the Apple Capture Data program and told me to run it while duplicating the problem, but only had me have the default "Default information" checkbox checked under "Gather historical logs from system" and nothing checked under "Gather logging while reproducing the issue" so who knows what's going to happen with that. Hopefully the "engineers" that this gets sent to will be able to tell her what she actually should have me do.

I included a detailed description of the problem and a screenshot pointing out the issue. Perhaps groupthink here knows what I can try or if this is a really obvious fault of mine before Apple gets back to me?

This is a new 2017MBP which has the high-end discrete GPU. I have run numerous GPU tests, one of which I will duplicate now, running CineBench. It will show that the GPU is engaged, but that it is not going to more than 25% of its capacity (measured using iStats Menu), and the GPU score is remarkably low. For reference, on my 2016MBP with the high-end card, the benchmark averaged 83.3fps. In another piece of GPU benchmarking software, Unigine's "Heaven," my 2016 MBP scored 57.1fps under a "low" quality setting, while this 2017MBP scored a mere 17.5fps. If the GPU were going at 100% and I assume linearity, then the score is what I would expect (e.g., 17.5fps x 4 = 70fps, or about 23% better, which is similar to other benchmarks comparing the two cards).
Annotated ScreenShot.png
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