If mine were bent out of the box I’d return it until I got one that wasn’t. If it has bent some time over the month or so I’ve had it? That’s a tougher call because that’s distinct from the out of the box issue. It suggests a durability problem over a manufacturing problem.
This isn’t going to be the last of this. I don’t know how much of that Verge article was the company’s position versus the site’s interpretation of their position, but it didn’t do Apple any favors. How does an individual store draw a distinction between something that was that way brand new compared to someone that bent theirs later. Is the “normal” bend putting stress on components inside that might make them more prone to failure over time? How does all of this interact with Apple Care?
To use an imperfect analogy - I had a mattress delivered once. I noticed the delivery guys had, by sliding it on the ground in the rain, torn the plastic cover on it and it, which resulted in a scuff and small stain on one corner of mattress. It didn’t cause any visible problem with the mattress that I could see besides being ugly, but I didn’t know if the abrasions might cause a problem down the road. So I called to ask about whether I could just keep it and if anything happened later have it replaced under warranty and she said no, if I accept it, I’m essentially saying it was fine upon delivery and damage like that will appear to be caused by me, which affected the warranty coverage.