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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2019
I recorded a podcast in Audition for the first time on my new Macbook Pro. I heard two hits while playing back. It sounds like a 3 second dropout followed immediately by a voltage spike that sounds like 48v turning back on. On a 1 1/2 hr timeline, it happens once around the 17th min mark and a second time at around the 50th min mark.

I have heard about an issue with kernals and the clock sync causing an issue with Logic Pro users, does anyone know if this is the same issue?

I am also not ruling out that its possibly the Behringer mixer as I had a vaguely similar pop on a recording from the PC side. That one did not have a drop out but the pop sounded similar. Anyone have any ideas?

A sample of one of the dropouts is linked. I'll provide some info down below, let me know if anyone needs more info.

Thanks for the help!

Macbook Pro 15in 2018
MoJave 10.14.3.
2.8 ghz i7
32gb Ram
Vega 20

Adobe Audition 2018
Multitrack recording

Behring UFX 1204
I/O Buffer 512
Sample Rate 48000
Bit 24

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macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
There is a thread on this. See

I can say I have not experienced the problem in either of setups. My deskside chain is SM7B, DBX 286s, OnyxBlack, USB A-USB C adapter, Mac. My VO booth chain is Senn 416, DBX 286s, Audient ID14, USB A-USB C adapter, Mac.

In both cases, Audition is my DAW. Recording Audio file (not multi-track) at 44,100, 24 bit, mono.

My MBP is 2018, 15", 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 560 GPU.
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