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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 12, 2014
Lakewood, CO
Since I bought the new 13" 2020 MacBook Pro, have had issues with the batter being down a large amount after shutting it down via the Apple Menu. I never just close the lid to put it in sleep mode, but even after using the Apple Menu Shut Down command, after a week it has been down to 60%, and after 2 weeks it has been down as low as 18% (was always shut down when it was at 100% charge.

Is there some setting or hack I need to do to prevent this from happening? I travel a lot and only use it when I travel, and it's not my primary computer so isn't on all the time. Now I feel like I have to charge it right before I leave.

I never had this issue with previous Apple laptops.



macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
Batteries do lose charge over time but yours loses more than I'd expect. Still, if you are concerned, ask Apple about it since it's still under warranty. That said, it's odd that you feel charging the computer before you travel is a burden.
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