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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2014
a follow-up question to my last one: I have decided that I don't mind signing into my laptop when it restarts, just as long as I can use Touch ID to unlock apps such as Minimalist and Bear. (both good apps, BTW.) the former requires a password to unlock. the Touch ID logo appears, but after putting my finger on the button, I have to enter my password anyway. Bear opens automatically but Bear Pro users such as myself can lock individual notes and unlock them using either using a password or Touch ID. the password works. Touch ID does not.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2014
wow... you have a Pink Floyd: The Wall user photo! I love that record/movie. (first record I ever bought myself. technically a cassette tape...)

back to your actual question, though, I mean just putting my finger there. if I press on the button then I get a login screen and have to enter my password. perhaps I bought a laptop with a broken button? (at least is has AppleCare.)


macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2017
I’m not near my mac (using iPad). Settings for Touch ID should be checked in Preferences. My system works flawlessly with browsers & other apps. Some authorization must be done by writing, anyway (critical system modifications).
First: take a look at ID Preference panel.

(Yes, it’s The Wall. Congrats, first time in years someone identifies my user photo. I saw the premiere projection of the movie with surround sound, which was a novelty. Great album).


macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2014
as I had said in the subject line, I had already set up Touch ID. if I had not set up Touch ID, then I would know why I gave trouble using it. but I have set up Touch ID, which makes it a mystery as to why I can't.


macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2017
This article seems to cover possible hiccups.(https://www.***************/touch-id-not-working-macbook-pro/)
Sorry, one never knows if the user asking may ignore basic things… and I find Monterey a little “itchy” with this, as some basic functions seem “imaginatively” hiden.
If you know the basics, resetting SMC seems next step…
(EDIT): in iOS, I can’t paste link correctly (it seems)(!).


macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2014
I have a MacBook Air not a MacBook Pro. regardless, I can read the link you provided except for the part between "www" and the first forward slash. could you spell it out? then I'll have the whole URL.


macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2017
It’s “howtoisolve” dot com. (System or McRumours forum software censors it. Seems a legit webpage)

I think that erasing registered fingerprints and starting over configuring Touch ID is a good idea, and takes a few minutes.

(Touch id works well for me; perhaps I could help you better having suffered the problem… But while time flows and nobody answers, I try to research, in case someday it happens to me. I’ve learned some, and I try to help)
Last edited:


macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2014
I tried the first method they gave. this which didn't work. I have a Genius Bar appointment set up for Thursday.
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