Hi Head and Kentzh,
I purchased a frequency generator application today for $0.99 US, I was searching up in the 1,000 - 3,000 Hz range using a sine wave. As a sine wave I heard nothing. But when I increased the modulation it became extremely "buzzy".
I also attempted using a square and a sawtooth pattern in the same frequency range and these also caused vibrations.
I will work on lower the frequencies tomorrow and see what they would do. Also, I have 2016 MBP and a 2019 MBA. Will test on these computers to see if I can produce any rattling.
I would contact Apple, but I really doubt that anyone of their techs would have any audio knowledge.
It would be terrific if someone with an audio background will chime in with a more learned opinion. I sincerely hope this is not going to be, now wait for it, Audiogate! as the music from shower scene in Psycho plays.
BTW. The audio on these computers are set up far to bassey for my tastes. Really Apple! I just want to be able to hear clear dialogue. Not this muddy stuff that comes with heavy metal. These speakers are too small for this kind of base. Probably designed by some engineer that grew up listening to heavy metal using 16" Cerwin Vega speakers in the basement rattling every window in the house.