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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 24, 2013
Hey all! Hoping to shed some light on my problem. My SD card reader on my 2021 14” MacBook Pro had decided to stop reading my SD cards.

Bought the MacBook at launch and it seemed to work fine then. About 2 months ago, it stopped working.

I’ve tried several different SD cards, reformatting, even waiting for MacOS updates, as I’d heard it’s an issue with software. To no avail, it still doesn’t work.

I took it into Apple today, they ran diagnostics and the MacBook is recognizing the port, so they mentioned it’s not a hardware issue and they’d have to send it in to “fix it”.

It’s more of an annoyance than anything that I’ve been having to use their SD card dongle as I bought the computer so I wouldn’t have to carry it around with me anymore.

If anyone has had a similar issue or know of any fixes, besides sending my laptop in, let me know!


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
That Apple said it's not hardware and that they'd have to send it in for repair doesn't make sense. Sounds like a hardware issue to me.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 24, 2013
That Apple said it's not hardware and that they'd have to send it in for repair doesn't make sense. Sounds like a hardware issue to me.
Yeah it sure doesn't. But when she ran the diagnostic, it showed the port as being operable. So who knows.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
Recognizing the reader doesn't show it's working properly. You have to actually put a card in it to test that.

Have you tried it in safe mode? Long shot, but easy to do.
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