Okay, being tech savvy and a bargain shopper I bought a 24" Early 2008 iMac off of eBay with a broken LCD for about $350. I then proceeded to find a replacement LCD on eBay for $250. (Making out like a bandit on this iMac) So I receive the iMac and all the parts and it works flawlessly when hooked to an external monitor and things are well. The screen comes in the mail in the next following days and it is immaculate and also works flawlessly; however, the LCD is missing the mounting brackets. The ultimate buzzkill to the entire restoration. The iMac has Applecare until June 2011, but since the screen was popped they want nothing to do with it, the screen at least. So I contacted the guy I bought the iMac from to ask where the broken LCD was, to salvage teh mounting brackets off of it, and he said since he lives in California the Apple Store was required to keep the broken LCD meaning the brackets plus the broken LCD are MIA due to California's sweet EPA laws. I have every single part for this iMac to get it restored to completion and have scoured internetland to find the mounting brackets to no avail. No one seems to have them or any means to getting them. So this is my leap of faith asking the community if they know where I can buy the brackets, if they are looking to sell the brackets if they have them lying around or know of any iMac "salvage yards" I can contact. My means are exhausted in the search. Thanks
~ Brice
~ Brice