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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
who else is doing it, here is the link to the page said:
What happens around the world in one day? In a word – life. Here on Flickr, photographers are sharing what they see: snapping daily moments, recording history, telling stories, capturing beauty.

To celebrate this global community, we invite you to join us in "24 Hours of Flickr" – a day-long global photo project. On May 5, 2007, grab your camera and whatever else you need, and chronicle your day in pictures. The group's photos will be featured at Flickr events around the world this summer and in a companion book, which will contain a selection of photographs chosen from the group (more about this soon!).

Link duh :p

I love this idea, I want to do it but I'm in school:(

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Oh man. I should totally do that. May 5 is the first day after my last exam and the first full day of music fest. If I chronicled that day in pictures, you would see a whole bunch of really drunk almost-lawyers. That's just what Flickr needs! :p
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