Hi. As you can see by my signature, I'm using the high end 24" iMac. I bought this past September and haven't had any problems as far as I can tell, but now I'm not so sure. I have iStat Pro for my dashboard and it typically shows all of the parts running at between 120-165 degrees fahrenheit. Is this hot??? I'm not sure if the stats are accurate, but I went up and felt around on the back and sides and the computer felt pretty warm. I can also hear a humming noise which I'm sure is just the HD and the fans, but it may be significant. I'm just concerned because these temperatures show consistently even when I'm not running any intense programs.
Can someone please explain to me what the normal operating temperatures are and whether or not I should be concerned. Any help would be appreciated. I do have AppleCare, btw.
Can someone please explain to me what the normal operating temperatures are and whether or not I should be concerned. Any help would be appreciated. I do have AppleCare, btw.