Hi all:
I purchased a 2.4ghz 24" iMac from apple.com. I got a refurbished model, partly for the cost savings, and partly because I thought that a refurb would be subject to more rigorous testing and would result in a more stable machine.
After having the iMac for 1 week, the fan in the lower left area of the screen began making a clicking noise akin to an old-timey movie projector. I thought, "perhaps I am oversensitive, but I don't think it was making that noise before." I called apple (did I mention that I bought applecare? Well, I did) and they had me restart while holding P+R+Command and various other things. I eventually was instructed to take the machine to the apple store closest to me for a genius bar appointment.
The geniuses said that my fan was bad, and after a week, the ended up replacing the fan as well as the casing because they said that the casing was not allowing the fan to attain sufficient vacuum or something.
Now it is two weeks since I got it back. The fans are quiet. Today, I got home from work and noticed that the machine was off. I leave it on, so I was curious. I started it back up, and on the gray start up screen, I noticed lots of distortion in the color of the screen along the right side, near the CD drive.
The iMac started up ok, but then shut down without warning or preamble about 15 minutes later. When I tried to turn it back on, it was unresponsive. I checked the power cable in the back and tried a new outlet, but nothing worked.
I have called the apple store again and have a genius bar appointment for tomorrow. At this point, I don't know what to do, since the machine seems to have no end of problems. I feel like this is excessive service for an iMac that I have had less than a month.
Is it possible that Apple will replace this machine with a new one? What are others' experiences with this situation (or similar ones)?
Many thanks
I purchased a 2.4ghz 24" iMac from apple.com. I got a refurbished model, partly for the cost savings, and partly because I thought that a refurb would be subject to more rigorous testing and would result in a more stable machine.
After having the iMac for 1 week, the fan in the lower left area of the screen began making a clicking noise akin to an old-timey movie projector. I thought, "perhaps I am oversensitive, but I don't think it was making that noise before." I called apple (did I mention that I bought applecare? Well, I did) and they had me restart while holding P+R+Command and various other things. I eventually was instructed to take the machine to the apple store closest to me for a genius bar appointment.
The geniuses said that my fan was bad, and after a week, the ended up replacing the fan as well as the casing because they said that the casing was not allowing the fan to attain sufficient vacuum or something.
Now it is two weeks since I got it back. The fans are quiet. Today, I got home from work and noticed that the machine was off. I leave it on, so I was curious. I started it back up, and on the gray start up screen, I noticed lots of distortion in the color of the screen along the right side, near the CD drive.
The iMac started up ok, but then shut down without warning or preamble about 15 minutes later. When I tried to turn it back on, it was unresponsive. I checked the power cable in the back and tried a new outlet, but nothing worked.
I have called the apple store again and have a genius bar appointment for tomorrow. At this point, I don't know what to do, since the machine seems to have no end of problems. I feel like this is excessive service for an iMac that I have had less than a month.
Is it possible that Apple will replace this machine with a new one? What are others' experiences with this situation (or similar ones)?
Many thanks