I'm curious why the left side on most new AL iMacs are brighter than the right (some more than others), why isn't the right side brighter than the left? Or the center brighter than the sides? It seems to be the left in every case.
I'm curious why the left side on most new AL iMacs are brighter than the right (some more than others), why isn't the right side brighter than the left? Or the center brighter than the sides? It seems to be the left in every case.
It's not odd that it's in the exact spot on every unit. I would be odd if the backlighting was different on every unit.
So you mean that it's poorly placed by design and not a flaw in the manufacturing?
I haven't had a computer to date with perfectly even backlighting.
Me neither, but I've had a Samsung 21" that was pretty close to it. My MacBook display is also surprisingly uniform when it's been on for 20 minutes.
However, in my experience the uneven backlighting is in different places with each unit, especially on laptop displays. That's why i thought it was odd that the iMac display has it in the exact same place on every screen. But perhaps it's not then.
Yes. Next time you go to either Best Buy or Fry's or whichever electronics store that sells computers check out the larger LCD screens. Change the background to white and take a look and you will see uneven backlighting. The larger LCD's take the biggest hit on how the florescent tubes are placed behind the LCD.
I haven't had a computer to date with perfectly even backlighting.
The left side was slightly brighter than the right side! Just like a couple of twins.
Just curious, did you notice any yellow tint on those displays?
There was no yellow tint on either.
After reading posts here and on Apple's discussion boards the past couple of weeks, there appear to be plenty 24's with no yellow tint issue. Over all it's given me the impression that those screens are bad displays and should be replaced.