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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2005
Hi. I'm a new graphic design student and yes, I'm buying the new 15 inch MBP (despite the glossy screen- woo-hoo screen protector). I'm trying to figure out if I need the 2.4 GHz with 265 on the graphics card, or if I should get the 2.53 GHz with 512 on the graphics card. Right now I'm only really running CS2, but I plan on expanding my programs once I know what we're using in higher level classes. Thanks for your advice. :)
Im hoping the 2.4 will be plenty. (As I am a design student also who has ordered the 2.4 :p) I have ordered CS4 as well so ....

Anywhooooo. At my college they use old Mac Pros, running OS 10.3 with i think it is either 1.8 or 2.0 Ghz (ill check when Im in on Wednesday.) and 512 mb of RAM and I seem to get through the day OK.

So my guess is yeah you should be fine :p

unless you are using programs like after effects (graphically intense programs - especially 3D the the 2.53 may be a better choice, but if you are using photoshop the 2.4 will be fine. I am getting the master suite as I love doing Graphics but we also do web at college and I like to make movies as well. But I could only afford the 2.4 (ha I couldn't even afford that at the moment, I got my mum to put it on her credit card)

The best advice is go for the best you can afford.
i have a MBP running CS3 perfectly fine on 256 and a 2.3ghz processor
ive never had any problems so you should be fine with that:p

how much more is it to upgrade to the 512, if its not too much it may be worth it on the long term.

i have a MBP running CS3 perfectly fine on 256 and a 2.3ghz processor
ive never had any problems so you should be fine with that:p

how much more is it to upgrade to the 512, if its not too much it may be worth it on the long term.


$500 more for the 2.53 with 4 GB Ram and 512 V Memory.
$500 more for the 2.53 with 4 GB Ram and 512 V Memory.

If you can afford it the $500 seems good to me, is that around £300? I was pushing it to get a Base line MBP never mind upgrades, going to get 4GB later and a 500GB WD hard drive too.
Hi. I'm a new graphic design student and yes, I'm buying the new 15 inch MBP (despite the glossy screen- woo-hoo screen protector). I'm trying to figure out if I need the 2.4 GHz with 265 on the graphics card, or if I should get the 2.53 GHz with 512 on the graphics card. Right now I'm only really running CS2, but I plan on expanding my programs once I know what we're using in higher level classes. Thanks for your advice. :)

The graphics card is primarily used to accelerate the graphics performance of games. Photoshop generally doesn't go anywhere near the GPU (in its current incarnation, at least), and 3D modelling/rendering apps rely on sheer processor horsepower and RAM, lots of RAM.

Seriously, there's no appreciable difference in Cinema 4D render times on my MacBook and on my iMac, despite the MB having integrated graphics and the iMac having a dedicated 256Mb graphics card, because they both have the same processor and the same amount of RAM.

If you're not fussed about gaming performance, get the fastest processor you can and as much RAM as the machine will take.


CS2 itself will probably be a bit slow no matter what as that is run through rosetta if I am not mistaken (it's not intel native)

But the difference in 256 or 512 probably won't matter much. CS3 flies pretty fast on my old 2.2 whitebook even.

Upgrading to CS3 (or i guess CS4 now) may eventually be worth your time (and money) actually that 500 dollar difference would be better spent on upgrading your software to intel native (you'd see a greater speed boost doing this i bet).... The 500 bucks could easily buy a whole new upgrade to the current CS suite (depending on what your school uses) with school pricing if I remember correctly.

Either way, you'll be more then AOK with the 256. Enjoy your shiny new book :) I am jealous.
I am with Jim on this one. I have a first gen MacBook with 2gb and just installed CS4. A little slow to open the app but moves fine once you run it. I worked on a 13mb file and was a little over 100mb by the time I was done and it handled it like a champ. :D

CS2 itself will probably be a bit slow no matter what as that is run through rosetta if I am not mistaken (it's not intel native)

Also very true. You'd see more of a speed boost from moving to Intel native software with CS3/4 than any upgrade to the graphics card.

Oh, and get more RAM. Did I mention that?



PS: Get more RAM.
Thanks for all the advice. I plan on maxing out the ram and yes- updating CS. By price difference between the two is $175 with a student discount. I think I'll go with the 256, and update my software.
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