Hi having problems with my 2 week old i5. First it wouldn't wake up from sleep mode, this seemed to happen whenever I left something downloading and the computer went to sleep. Haven't done any downloading lately as impossible with this problem and issue hasn't resurfaced. Now it just completely freezes up and requires a reboot. I first started doing this with Skype but now seems to do it with anything and at no particular time. Getting very frustrating considering the cost of the product and the regularity of it. I'm running Virusbarrier X5 dual protection although yet to install windows. Apple seem to think this could be the problem. Anyone else out the have the same problem.
Also get a insecure startup items floder detected message at startup. There are no files in this folder.
Thanks in advance.
Also get a insecure startup items floder detected message at startup. There are no files in this folder.
Thanks in advance.