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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
Now I have had this 15" unibody MBP, 3gs, last gen iMac. It's usually all the same process. I know how most apple products have small little things you should look at when receiving. Is there anything I should know or look out for on the 27" iMac? Screen problems, keyboard etc etc? Or does everything seem to alright from the jump?

Appreciate it.
I have only encountered the yellow tinge issue. So look for that first. It won't be noticeable until turn off the lights and brightness, and move a finder window (white) around the screen. If the screen has the problem you will notice the white balance turn from cool/white to warm/yellow.

Best of luck.
Look for yellow tingles and noisy level of it, but basically, if you don't notice anything extraordinary, just keep going and enjoy it!

BTW, congrats
The only other thing I can think of is to make sure that the start-up volume is your iMac's hard drive.

This is done via: System Preferences>System>Startup Disk

I don't know if it's still the case but when I got mine in early December I had to do this to get the 30 sec. boot time.
The only other thing I can think of is to make sure that the start-up volume is your iMac's hard drive.

This is done via: System Preferences>System>Startup Disk

I don't know if it's still the case but when I got mine in early December I had to do this to get the 30 sec. boot time.

I don't see anything that says system when I check the system preferences.

Also everyone thank you about the screen issue, I have done the test and I see no yellowing that is disturbing. Looks good to me. I am not in graphics design either I am just a regular user and also do some business on macs so I am not looking that hard for yellowing.

I have seen some serious yellowing on some of these machines that people post and thank goodness I don't have anything like that anymore. Finally I got an Apple piece with no major issue. As long as the stock speakers sound good until I get some aftermarket ones and the screen isn't terrible. I am good :D
I don't see anything that says system when I check the system preferences.

Also everyone thank you about the screen issue, I have done the test and I see no yellowing that is disturbing.

System is in System Preferences, near the bottom where Accounts, Startup Disk, Time Machine, Software Update, etc are.

And if you don't look for the yellowing you honestly will not find it. So just stay away from the yellow test thread.. :D
Now I have had this 15" unibody MBP, 3gs, last gen iMac. It's usually all the same process. I know how most apple products have small little things you should look at when receiving. Is there anything I should know or look out for on the 27" iMac? Screen problems, keyboard etc etc? Or does everything seem to alright from the jump?

Appreciate it.

Run through this checklist:

1)Screen - Stuck/Dead pixels
2)Screen - Flickering screen, with brief blackouts
3)Screen - Yellow smudge at the bottom/elsewhere
4)Screen - LED backlight bleeding through in corners when screen is dark/black
5)Screen - High pitch whine from screen at max brightness after 30 minutes; also after turning down brightness by 30%
6)Screen - Dust or fingerprints trapped behind the monitor glass
7)iSight - Dead pixels
8)iMac as external monitor function not working
9)Noisy HDD - clicking or whirring, rumbling and whining
10)Constantly running fans at high volume
11)Intermittent hiss from external speakers hooked up
12)Frequent beachballs, despite not many programs running
13)Slow boot up
14)Random self generated restarts while using Firefox
15)Airport problems
16)Bad USB ports
How about instead of running through checklists you just turn it on and use it? If nothing strikes you as problematic you don't have a problem.
Like Sasasushi says... just it and if you're happy you're happy. I saw guys fresh off the plane in Bangkok all the time drunk and happy walking around with an obvious to me ladyboy on their arms. Part of me wanted to make sure they knew (were so drunk I don't think they did) but the guys seemed happy so why spoil their party :D
Like Sasasushi says... just it and if you're happy you're happy. I saw guys fresh off the plane in Bangkok all the time drunk and happy walking around with an obvious to me ladyboy on their arms. Part of me wanted to make sure they knew (were so drunk I don't think they did) but the guys seemed happy so why spoil their party :D

Haha, I was going to reply, but I can't top this! :) Freakin' hilarious.
Like Sasasushi says... just it and if you're happy you're happy. I saw guys fresh off the plane in Bangkok all the time drunk and happy walking around with an obvious to me ladyboy on their arms. Part of me wanted to make sure they knew (were so drunk I don't think they did) but the guys seemed happy so why spoil their party :D

Haha, I was going to reply, but I can't top this! :) Freakin' hilarious.

So if a person doesn't detect any problems with their iMac, it is because they're under the influence of alcohol/drugs? Or is it because they're too stupid to notice and they need experts like you gentlemen to show them the truth?

Either way, it was a lame analogy and I didn't find it particularly funny either, in spite of 09iMac's guffawing.

It just strikes me as curious that people need to ask what's wrong with their iMac, as if their own eyes and ears aren't to be trusted.
Relax Sushi, it was just a joke. Where is your sense of humor today?

The OP just wanted a heads-up as to possible problems a machine could arrive with. It is not a bad idea to quickly run through a checklist to make sure nothing is wrong. If you discovered something early in the return period, you would have more options as to how you wanted it resolved.

Unfortunately, running through a sort of checklist like oldcorpse posted should be done on the new iMacs. It's not the OP's fault for wanting a defective free machine.
Cheers, I am relaxed, 09. :)

It's not the OP's fault for wanting a defective free machine.

I absolutely agree he should not only want a defect-free machine, he should expect it.

I do not agree that running a checklist is necessary though. Turn it on and use it. Does the display look good to you? Is the machine making any excessive noise? Is it flickering? These are all things that should be apparent to anyone with or without checklists.

If you have ANY problems with your iMac address them with Apple. It seems like some folks (not specifically referring to anyone in this thread) who detect no problems with their iMacs come on here looking for others to tell them they have them.
enjoy the mac; :D

One test : if you view the display from an angle of 118.32 deg and head ever so slightly tilted, you will notice that the display gives a double image :
But dont worry, there is a solution to that : try keep your head straight while using the mac;
I absolutely agree he should not only want a defect-free machine, he should expect it.

I do not agree that running a checklist is necessary though. Turn it on and use it. Does the display look good to you? Is the machine making any excessive noise? Is it flickering? These are all things that should be apparent to anyone with or without checklists.

True, if something is wrong, it will most likely be obvious. I'm a bit more anal than most, and I'd run the through the list myself. And yeah, there are some really picky people here who seem nearly impossible to please, if you are happy with your machine, and there are no obvious problems, get on with it!
Run through this checklist:

1)Screen - Stuck/Dead pixels
2)Screen - Flickering screen, with brief blackouts
3)Screen - Yellow smudge at the bottom/elsewhere
4)Screen - LED backlight bleeding through in corners when screen is dark/black
5)Screen - High pitch whine from screen at max brightness after 30 minutes; also after turning down brightness by 30%
6)Screen - Dust or fingerprints trapped behind the monitor glass
7)iSight - Dead pixels
8)iMac as external monitor function not working
9)Noisy HDD - clicking or whirring, rumbling and whining
10)Constantly running fans at high volume
11)Intermittent hiss from external speakers hooked up
12)Frequent beachballs, despite not many programs running
13)Slow boot up
14)Random self generated restarts while using Firefox
15)Airport problems
16)Bad USB ports
Imagine a girl checking you out, and had a list similar to this, to critique you with.
Firstly, before you do any checks at all, be sure you've actually purchased an iMac and that you have one in front of you.
Best to learn from the non-experience of posters like 09iMac=Fail who, while offering plenty of advice here to others about what to do when an iMac arrives, hasn't even progressed to the point of knowing what the experience of ordering one is like.
Imagine a girl checking you out, and had a list similar to this, to critique you with.

I'd pass with flying colors. I don't have yellow smudges - I care about hygiene. I don't have ticks or epileptic fits, and I don't flicker like a spazz or a Parkinson's victim. I don't have blind spots on my eyes, and I see perfectly well. My stomach doesn't growl or rumble. All my ports work perfectly - I ingest and expel with ease and grace. Plus I'm huge where it counts. She'd love me! "You are perfect! I've enjoyed you from day one!" "I cannot get enough of you, I just love looking at you! Gorgeous!".

And that's what I'd like for the iMac too.

So, again, run through the checklist and find out if you have a winner!
Who the heck would want to date a girl with a checklist?

Anyway, I took some time to write up an amended iMac checklist and trimmed the fat a bit.

:apple: 27-inch iMac Checklist

1. Turn on iMac and look at it.

Keep in mind it's still a work in progress but I know 100% mine will get you the same results.
Who the heck would want to date a girl with a checklist?

Anyway, I took some time to write up an amended iMac checklist and trimmed the fat a bit.

:apple: 27-inch iMac Checklist

1. Turn on iMac and look at it.

Keep in mind it's still a work in progress but I know 100% mine will get you the same results.

I like this, test. Worked Good. On the box somewhere it should have a checklist something like this.

Update; everything is running good. I've been using this 27" for the past day on and off and I did notice a slight yellow tinge near the bottom of the screen. Never actually noticed it until I started looking at the "yellow screen tinge issue" threads. I ran the test, noticed it. Hey, I wasn't to worried about it at all though because before I heard about it I didn't even notice it.
Most likely I won't be calling apple to tall about an exchange. I purchased this 27" off of amazon, apple wouldn't have a problem sending out a new one with a non yellow screen issue and me sending back this one I purchased from amazon if I wanted to do the exchange correct?

Thanks for all the help by the way.
Never actually noticed it until I started looking at the "yellow screen tinge issue" threads. I ran the test, noticed it. Hey, I wasn't to worried about it at all though because before I heard about it I didn't even notice it.
Indeed, your iMac is fine, then. If there was a problem with it you'd notice it without having to do some sort of test.

Enjoy your machine, they're fantastic, aren't they?!
Best to learn from posters like 09iMac=Fail.

Fixed that for you! :)

I actually thinks it's best to learn from Sir Cecil. If you have a slight tint that bothers you, get it fixed.
I had a minor (I'm tempted to call it trivial) hint of yellow tinge along the very base of my screen and after mentioning it to Apple they immediately sent me a replacement.......

Although, sometimes the things he says makes little sense, you'll have to judge who you listen to for yourself.
No such thing as yellow tinge.

Glad to hear everything is running good! Enjoy your new machine. :)

I'm excited about all the positive reports lately, looks like Apple is finally whipping LG into shape. My new iMac will be sooner rather than later.
Indeed, your iMac is fine, then. If there was a problem with it you'd notice it without having to do some sort of test.

Enjoy your machine, they're fantastic, aren't they?!

Yes it's lovely. This thing is huge. I had a 24" for a while a couple years ago then I turned it in for a MBP. I am glad I also have this for the house.

Right now I am just looking for good profiles to download and use for calibration. I downloaded one but it's a little too blue. Hard to find em.
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