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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2009
St Augustine
I decided to go get a 27" imac tonight and will be posting a full review tomorrow on youtube. I did however just upload a quick look at wow running in native maxed out. This should help some of you out on the fence and boy does it run good at that res.

The new video is uploading now and should be up in 20 or so minutes.
I decided to go get a 27" imac tonight and will be posting a full review tomorrow on youtube. I did however just upload a quick look at wow running in native maxed out. This should help some of you out on the fence and boy does it run good at that res.

The new video is uploading now and should be up in 20 or so minutes.

All that is showing is video of WoW on an old mac mini & 26" Samsung (nice btw) screen. In WoWland they'd say something to the effect of "LoLzors try again noob" no? :D
Looks good.
I'm keen to see how COD4MW looks on it. And how they all look on the i7 with the 4850.
ya it looked good considering he had every setting fully maxed including shadows and running at native resolution with only the 4670 driving it... cant wait to see the i7 w/ a 4850
It's doing a very very good job. Although WoW isn't the most demanding game (has to work for as many ppl as possible) but it is maxxed out and it's smooth.

What would've killed it for sure is to venture into Dalaran :) But from the looks you're only 62 in that toon?

And finally, not right clicking? Leaving a finger on the left side?
actually as for the right clicking it wasn't enabled. I have never used a mighty mouse or magic for that matter and didn't know that you have to enable it first. I love the new mouse so far though.
Dalaran will make any system lag. That's just the game. But yes, the clip is smooth. Sure beats the performance on my MacBook :(
I was concerned that the new iMac would be having difficulties running wow native, but after seeing this I'm relieved. I'm getting the 4850 version, so it seems like I have nothing to worry about.

I would've wanted to see a clip from wotlk content, since afaik it's a bit harder for your system to run the new content. And what comes to Dalaran, every system will have a choppy fps - it's just the way it is. :(
I was concerned that the new iMac would be having difficulties running wow native, but after seeing this I'm relieved. I'm getting the 4850 version, so it seems like I have nothing to worry about.

I would've wanted to see a clip from wotlk content, since afaik it's a bit harder for your system to run the new content. And what comes to Dalaran, every system will have a choppy fps - it's just the way it is. :(

WotLK content does have a significant effect on FPS etc, though to what degree in the new iMacs I can't say. So it might drop a bit :)
Film it in Dalaran, I get to a corner either near the FP stairs of the bank and twirl.
You can use Ctrl+R to see the real time FPS in WoW instead of hovering the mouse over that button all the time, eventually you can install a bar addon such as fubar and install fubar_performancefu and monitor real time FPS.
Thanks for the vid but you need to run this in a WOTLK area as in the old areas it is a bit useless. Please can you do a vid outside Crusaders' Coliseum with everything set to max?

Thanks for the vid but you need to run this in a WOTLK area as in the old areas it is a bit useless. Please can you do a vid outside Crusaders' Coliseum with everything set to max?


Yea that will be the true test of the system for wow. I read on the wow forums that the 21.5 with 4760 runs wow like a champ. Here. So my concern is when the expansion comes out, will it still run wow like a champ, and since it is not out yet no one knows.
If you turn off high quality shadows, turn Multisampling to 1x, and turn off full screen glow effect and vsync, you should be able to significantly boost your fps.

I have no doubt that the i5 with 4850 will run wow at 2560x1440 with little to no sweat. Max everything, then turn off vsync. Play with the shadows, full screen glow, and multisampling until you find the settings that work for you.
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