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Original poster
Jul 30, 2008
Apple Delays 27 Inch iMac Shipments Due to Screen Problems
I posted this link in another thread, but what I still don't understand is why doesn't Apple stop selling the manufactured 27'' iMacs they have in stock (i'm assuming they still are). It seems that they officially recognize this as a problem, and yet they'll still sell these iMacs to many people who have no idea that a problem exists. It seems a bit deceptive.
I've had two 27" iMacs and neither had any screen problem at all. Can't see why I should not have been able to buy one because of a non-existent fault.
However, both mine had horribly noisy hard drives.
I've had two 27" iMacs and neither had any screen problem at all. Can't see why I should not have been able to buy one.
Do you have one?

not yet, I was planning on getting one after I get back home (jan 3). I understand that not all of them defective, but I just don't like the way Apples handles these issues. I bought a mbp 2.5 years ago that ended up having a known graphics problem. I paid over $300 for a repair on it, and I only got a refund a year later after I called their support line. I know that there are others who paid for a repair who didn't hear about the refund, and just aren't getting their money back. What about the people buying a defective iMac, and will not bring it back for whatever reason. They'll be stuck with a problem Apple knew about when they sold it to them.
I've seen reports of people buying iMac's and it's in perfect condition. No yellow screen issue, no hard drive issue etc.

I think Apple just like most companies will not pull all the iMac's considering some are not having the issues and additionally, they risk missing out on extra revenue for the holiday season.

I say congrats to those that did luck out and receive a perfectly working iMac but I'm going to wait another week or two before I purchase mine. By the looks of the defect reports, they seem to be going down each week. :)
I don't believe the reporter's story in any case. No-one at Apple has told her any such thing – if they had, she would have quoted it, even anonymously.
No, she is simply assuming the lengthened wait time (2 weeks from 7-10 days) is a sign that production is halting. Well, two weeks is only 4 days longer than 10 and seeing as the Christmas holiday (with more orders coming in I imagine) and New Year is virtually upon us, what's the big deal?
I would have been more surprised if the delivery period was not extended at this time.
Sounds like a lot of drivel to me.
The US Apple Store moving to 2 weeks from 5-7 days is NOT big news, and it is not news of the production line stopping to fix a problem.

The UK store was listing 7-10 days back in November, and was at 2 weeks at the start of December. The fact that it has taken the US store until now to change just goes to show the priority Apple gives its US customers, nothing more.

It is a simple issue of not meeting demand that has pushed the wait up by a mere 4 days, along with the Christmas period.
My order was split into two different "sections" couple of days ago,
I don't know if that has something to do with the delivery halt?
See the image below, the iMac is at the bottom and it was not
there before:


The expected delivery date has not changed though, it has been
and is still 28:th december. It's an iMac i7 and Apple Store Finland.
My order was split into two different "sections" couple of days ago,
I don't know if that has something to do with the delivery halt?
See the image below, the iMac is at the bottom and it was not
there before:

The expected delivery date has not changed though, it has been
and is still 28:th december. It's an iMac i7 and Apple Store Finland.

That'll be because the iMac is coming from China, and the other items from other warehouses in the EU, and will Merge in Transit.
My i7 shipped Friday night and arrived in Memphis this morning (about 30 hours later). I ordered it Nov 29. I wonder where mine landed in the area of quality control.

It seems that it was shipped about the same time Apple decided to address the issue of screen problems. It will be interesting to see what happens. I now know why some people were waiting with nervous caution.

I will open it and checked for a cracked screen, but otherwise it has to be wrapped and put under the tree. The situation in my home wouldn't allow me to hook it up and test it first. So it won't get booted until Christmas day.
That Blog post is such a load of BS. I ordered my iMac i7 on Black Friday and it had an expected ship date of Dec. 11, 10 full BUSINESS DAYS later (which actually turned out to be the day I received it). That is exactly 2 weeks from the day I ordered it. Apple changed the ship dates to 2 weeks so people don't expect to get it before Christmas...which is by the way in less than 2 weeks!!! Apple is not the only online retailer that does this, they all do. If something is not readily in stock this close to Christmas, it is irresponsible for a retailer to promise it delivered before Christmas.

I am not doubting that some are having issues with their new iMacs. I have received mine, and the 1TB Seagate HDD is a little louder at times than I would like, but I am perfectly confident it is in spec, and 90% of the time (unless it is indexing spotlight or something) it is completely silent. Everything else is about the computer is perfect.

Unless you see masses of people getting their orders delayed for 2 weeks this blogger is full of FUD.

Happy Holidays everyone, and I hope you get a sweet new 27" iMac.
Yeah - the story looks like a case of 2+2 equals 5. My iMac is en-route and I ordered it last Tuesday (8th) - well after the 7-10 working days guidance went onto the Apple store. Evidence from people here is there has been no "delay" just standard issues with meeting demand for a new product at a peak shopping period.
Just to chuck another one in here--I ordered my i7 yesterday morning and have been given a shipping date of December 29th. 17 days in total, but only 10 business days if you count Christmas day and weekends.

Annoying as hell coz I want it NOW! But nothing that suggests to me anything other than standard procedure around Christmas. :)
That'll be because the iMac is coming from China, and the other items from other warehouses in the EU, and will Merge in Transit.

Seems like you are wrong and I was right. Email from Apple, they actually have split my order in two and deliver them separately:

"Dear .......,
Thank you for your recent Apple Store order.
We understand that your order may have been intended as a Christmas gift and in order to expedite delivery of your goods, we have split your order."
Seems like you are wrong and I was right. Email from Apple, they actually have split my order in two and deliver them separately:

"Dear .......,
Thank you for your recent Apple Store order.
We understand that your order may have been intended as a Christmas gift and in order to expedite delivery of your goods, we have split your order."

That's pretty impressive - but the split is normally due to Merge in Transit. My iMac and accessories did the same, but arrived in one shipment. Good show by Apple though to split them.
Uh - so - shipped on the 10th/11th and then nothing happens on the status ?


Just a side question to this thread, does anyone now how many days it takes before actual tracking info starts to appear ?

Today it says like this:

Carrier Tracking Number
In transit to final destination - carrier details to be updated shortly.
Assigned Carrier
In transit to final destination - carrier details to be updated shortly.

And Shipped on: Dec 11, 2009 via SYNCREON

Anyone ?

Hopefully this will be a perfect iMac without any screen or hdd noise issues :)

Merry Christmas everyone !

hmmm... to those who think the delay isnt because the screen issue...

can you explain why only the 27" (c2d, i5, i7) models are delayed? it seems to me that their really might be something wrong with the 27" panels.
hmmm... to those who think the delay isnt because the screen issue...

can you explain why only the 27" (c2d, i5, i7) models are delayed? it seems to me that their really might be something wrong with the 27" panels.

Maybe the 27" ones are more popular? Kind of seems like they are.
hmmm... to those who think the delay isnt because the screen issue...

can you explain why only the 27" (c2d, i5, i7) models are delayed? it seems to me that their really might be something wrong with the 27" panels.

I don't understand the "delayed" description. This is new product, with pent up demand, and given the problems with the November models Apple seem to have trouble catching up as they sometimes send three different iMacs to one customer.

Does the 27" iMac have problems - yes.
Has Apple stopped production to fix it - no.

Also - the mighty mouse is damn hard to buy - I have that on a 7-10 working day wait and so far its taking longer to ship than the one going along with my i7.
Maybe the 27" ones are more popular? Kind of seems like they are.

I don't understand the "delayed" description. This is new product, with pent up demand, and given the problems with the November models Apple seem to have trouble catching up as they sometimes send three different iMacs to one customer.

Does the 27" iMac have problems - yes.
Has Apple stopped production to fix it - no.

Also - the mighty mouse is damn hard to buy - I have that on a 7-10 working day wait and so far its taking longer to ship than the one going along with my i7.

I think you guys are just in denial that apple may have a hardware issue of some sort with the 27" imacs. why is it that hard to believe that apple isnt perfect?

sure ill agree that the 27" is probably more popular but think of how many threads are saying the 20.1" screen is having issues?
I think you guys are just in denial that apple may have a hardware issue of some sort with the 27" imacs. why is it that hard to believe that apple isnt perfect?

sure ill agree that the 27" is probably more popular but think of how many threads are saying the 20.1" screen is having issues?

Seeing how 27" iMac's are still shipping points to the delay being a demand issue then fixing the problem. It could very much be a hardware issue, but right now it is speculation that it is Apple fixing it.
Seeing how 27" iMac's are still shipping points to the delay being a demand issue then fixing the problem. It could very much be a hardware issue, but right now it is speculation that it is Apple fixing it.

i would honestly hope they are fixing it, delay or not. lucky for us, there are "louder" people who have the same exact issue... hopefully with enough bad press, apple will have no choice but to resolve the hardware issue.
i would honestly hope they are fixing it, delay or not. lucky for us, there are "louder" people who have the same exact issue... hopefully with enough bad press, apple will have no choice but to resolve the hardware issue.

Me too I hope they are fixing it as I am a buyer of a 27" iMac. I just don't think the delay is caused by Apple fixing it as 27" iMac's are still shipping.
hmmm... to those who think the delay isnt because the screen issue...

can you explain why only the 27" (c2d, i5, i7) models are delayed? it seems to me that their really might be something wrong with the 27" panels.

There is no delay. It's a lot of rubbish. Ordered my i7 on the 8th December, it's now in transit and my shipping notice says it's being delivered on the 17th. Dozens of other people on other threads are reporting similar good delivery service from the online Apple Store.
At an appropriate date, Apple merely let customers know that because of Christmas and New Year holidays, shipping would take 2 weeks (14 days instead of 10) so they'd know they wouldn't be getting goods before Christmas. It's obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense that holidays add days to deliveries. Only attention-seeking websites read by a fanciful audience would link this to some kind of imaginary production hold-up.
If third-party sellers like Mac Connection order only in bulk shipments and have to wait longer for supplies while direct Apple customers are serviced, that's tough. They don't even send your order to Apple until they have enough purchases to buy in quantity. So you sit around waiting until those third-party dealers have the minimum numbers of purchases they set for their bulk shipments. If you order from them and they have already accounted for their next shipment of, say, 100 units, you'll be waiting until the next shipment after that, or even the next one, depending on the number of orders coming in. They don't order your machine individually.
So the third-party dealers instigate talk of production holdups, to stop customers canceling their unfulfilled orders, hoping they'll believe it's no faster to order elsewhere. Their pals in the media (who want their advertising dollars) are only too happy to help spread this nonsense.
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