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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 30, 2007
What's the ideal viewing distance with the new iMac considering resolution?

Can anyone post their desk setup or suggest a distance based on home theatre rules...
Now that I have my 27 mounted on an arm, I change the distance regularly.

Never closer than arms distance, is pretty much my rule. Unless you have really short/long arms. hah.
I have a 22" monitor that's about two feet (+ or -) away from my eyes. 27" wont be THAT much bigger. Hopefully not too bright....Well see, still waiting.
Stock 27" - no issues thus far. If anyone has a repeatable method that induces the slowdown, I'd be glad to test it.
You will intuitively know what distance from the screen works for you.
Certainly a bit further away than a laptop, but not that much.
You will intuitively know what distance from the screen works for you.
Certainly a bit further away than a laptop, but not that much.

Thank you, but I am planning the desk and mounting ahead of purchase.
I sit about half a meter away from my 24" iMac. The 27", from what people have told me, isn't too much different, just a bit wider.

It's not the size of the screen that determines comfortable viewing distance, it's the pixel density. The pixels on the 27" are quite a bit denser (and smaller), which means that a size 12 font on your 24" iMac will look quite a bit larger than on the 27".

The 27" has almost the same density as a 15.4" 1440x900 laptop display (a la MBP, etc.), so if you have one of those around, you can use it to judge.

I tried one of the 27" iMacs, and I'd say a comfortable distance (at least for my eyesight) is about 3 feet. You might have to pull it a bit closer than the screen you are replacing if you have a deep corner desk.
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