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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2010
Hi Everyone,

Iv been searching for a little while and read loads but cant seem to find an answer, so i bought 2 thunderbolt displays in the middle of last year, i paid £30 for both! very very lucky to find someone selling them who didn't know what they were, both works fine when daisy chained.

I had a 2012 15" Macbook Pro and it ran them both fine, I also had a 2012 Mac Mini that i hadn't used in a while but decided to dig it out as my wide wanted to start a business up from home and was easier then using my laptop. I have recently sold 1 of the displays, and upgraded my Macbook to 2019 16" Macbook Pro. I haven't bought a Thunderbolt3-2 adapter yet so haven't tried my new Macbook with the monitor, but for some reason with my Mac Mini it doesn't want to work properly, So to begin with i thought it was the main Thunderbolt cable so bought an aftermarket replacement and changed it over, it seemed to work ok for a bit then stopped again. It always struggled to wake from sleep also.

Now i love the 27" Thunderbolt Monitor, i think the screen looks beautiful on any desk. but my main question is, what else on these monitors can i replace to get it working again? the main board? maybe upgrade the cooling on it as it always ran quite hot.

Iv thought about upgrade to a new 24" iMac but just done like the look of them compared to the Thunderbolt Display, Also the other option is a M1 Mac Mini but i'm worried i will have similar issues.

I know lots of you will say replace it with a different monitor but i don't want to replace it with a different monitor. Any help would be massivly appreciated.



macrumors 68030
Aug 10, 2006
If you could give a few more details than "it doesn't want to work properly" it would help people to suggest stuff.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2010
If you could give a few more details than "it doesn't want to work properly" it would help people to suggest stuff.
Of Course, so when using the Monitor it will randomly go black, the only way to get it back is unplug it and plug it back in, although this doesn't always work. It also refuses to wake from sleep.

When i bought both Monitors i replaced the Thunderbolt Cables in both and never had any issues with my 2012 15" Macbook Pro. Since i stopped using it and started using my 2012 Mac Mini is when i have started having the issues, Everything is as up to date as it can be as far as i'm aware. I have replaced the Thunderbolt cable in the Thunderbolt monitor again since having issues and it helped but soon went back to how it was with the Random black screen.

I was thinking it might be worth getting apple to look a it, but i know it's a discontinued product that they don't support.


macrumors 68030
Aug 10, 2006
If you can get a TB3-2 adapter without too much bother/cost I'd try it with your 2019 MBP and see if it works with that to rule out any issues with the Mini. If it doesn't work with the MBP either it could be the mainboard in the monitor (although I'm not an expert, someone else might have other suggestions). An Apple Authorised Service Provider might be able to look at that for you even if Apple themselves won't, although I'd guess part availability might be an issue.
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